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very good
送交者: muchomoney 2008月11月07日15:05:26 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: layworld:說幾句東西方文化的比較(一)layworld 於 2008-11-07 14:19:04
Bro lay, (somehow this name sounds a little funny :) if you know i mean)

I want to talk on this topic as well. I remember I used to talk about the difference on the two cultures long time ago in this forum.

When bro box keeps on insisting on having little kids learning chinese language and confusius teaching, i am a little concerned. America is the continuation of western civilization. there are a lot of ideas and thinkings taught in this country are direct conflict of eastern cultures and heritage. kids can be totally confused if exposed a lot of these chinese "stuff".

That is why i kept saying that we teach the essence or the core values of chinese heritage. and we must do it tactically and sensitively. that's why i keep saying learning chinese language is not that critical. we will definitely try to comment more when you talk about the nitty-gritty later on...
  you do not need to teach - laobiao 11/08/08 (140)
    re - muchomoney 11/10/08 (104)
  我對在美兒童學習中文的態度是 - layworld 11/07/08 (303)
    只有學好中文,孩子將來才有機會接觸到 - 假山人 11/09/08 (171)
    好! 好! - 笑菡 11/08/08 (131)
    是這樣, node node  /無內容 - 風輕雲淡 11/08/08 (100)
    說得太好了!  /無內容 - jty 11/07/08 (139)
  你老是自說自話,我問你, - Box 11/07/08 (228)
    匣兄一定是個內慈外嚴的父親...  /無內容 - layworld 11/07/08 (176)
      你看西人也講“愛人如己”啊! - Box 11/07/08 (187)
        心,佛,眾生,無二無別... :)  /無內容 - layworld 11/07/08 (132)
      我一看他寫的,不由自主地把他想成個老先生。呵呵,sorryy  /無內容 - 樺樹 11/07/08 (140)
        嘿嘿,匣兄也有可愛的一面... - layworld 11/07/08 (152)
          我最喜歡看他罵人。  /無內容 - 樺樹 11/07/08 (110)
        有沒有還帶個小辮子?:)  /無內容 - Box 11/07/08 (107)
          瓜皮帽,厚厚的圓眼睛片子, - layworld 11/07/08 (115)
    呵呵,大師真逗。  /無內容 - 樺樹 11/07/08 (189)
      急得我汗都出來了。 - Box 11/07/08 (188)
        我要當您的學生,肯定每天挨板子。  /無內容 - 樺樹 11/07/08 (136)
          不會,我每天發兩顆大白兔奶糖, - Box 11/07/08 (140)
            上大學時,我後來退出了所有的社團,就是沒退游泳隊, - 樺樹 11/07/08 (135)
              哈哈,饞!  /無內容 - Box 11/07/08 (119)
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