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what's their mother language?
送交者: laobiao 2008月11月19日15:46:27 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 同意,有很多美國員工的孩子在大陸生活,應該問問他們!言真輕 於 2008-11-19 10:13:04
How old are they when they start to learn Chinese? Do their parents speak Chinese?

我問過的美國孩子,他們都說漢字難學!Maybe their mother language is English and it make it harder for them to learn Chinese.

If you wants to compare the difficulty of language, you need to find two groups of people.
Group 1: mother language is Chinese
group 2: ..................English

Then start to learn a new language in the same age and spend similar time and see how do they feel. I doubt this experiment can be done properly. Maybe it can be a project for students or researchers in social science.
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