There is a combination way or compromising way instead of western or eastern one way. You need many examples to prove your point. But many of us try to cultivate ABC kids with both sides of elements. Pure western or only eastern way could loose the essence of why we came to west after struggling so much efforts.
This is like eating food, you can have both only depending on the timing and occasion. Why you have to hang on one tree?
Logics is the same thing. Learning the western culture essence but doesn't have to throw away the wisdoms from the east.
The interference, interaction, or competition is always there, which requires the consultation from the experts, school teachers, text books, google, etc., why not plus the merits from east.
Don't forget, Westpoint is learning 孙子兵法, many US university students are learning 围棋, and many companies are learning Toyota Way: eastern management methods based on 围棋 theory.
I can conservatively predict: 1+1 is greater than one.