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a question for you to see if
送交者: laobiao 2008月12月08日20:56:22 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 歡迎反駁,歡迎理性討論!言真輕 於 2008-12-08 20:32:08
you have critical thinking.

an investigator wants to show that a drug can improve patients survival time. So he pick up two groups of patients. one group is those patients who have some response which is based on some lab tests. another groupo is those who have no responses. he found that those patients who have responses live longer and thus claim that his drug can improve patients's survival time. can you trust his conclusion? why?
    you did not answer my question  /無內容 - laobiao 12/09/08 (214)
      I answered your Q my way. - 言真輕 12/09/08 (132)
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