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sorry, I do not know much...:)
送交者: layworld 2009月01月20日19:23:05 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 只是在探讨。三妹和雷兄讲讲当年佛学界的看法吧枯木朽株 于 2009-01-20 18:45:51
but any big event, such as 5/4/1919, has effects of both sides. Which side you see more depends on what you value. IMHO, 5/4/1919 indeed waked up a lot of people to fight for the real independence of the country, which is the most important thing for China at that time. Mao's policies after 1949 was pretty tough, but China actually got industrialized very quickly. Yes, there were a lot of mistakes made, but it is so easy to criticize people of the past while we did not really understand the situations they faced. That is simply not fair and not right.

When I read history, I always try my best to understand why people made those decisions, instead of simply judge them being good or evil using today's standards.

I also agree that 5/4/1919 and Mao's policies did make big damage to Chinese traditional cultures, but I won't blame them.

Had to go to bed now to start working at 6:30am in the morning.

Good night.
    very profound thinking... :) - layworld 01/21/09 (195)
  Well said. It is too easy - 365 01/20/09 (156)
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