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I think you are a psychopath
送交者: 笪緱 2009月01月30日14:48:26 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: I think you are just paranoidme3 於 2009-01-30 14:37:30
in addition to being an absolutely idiot. This is a test specifically for people like you: http://bob.bob.bofh.org/~robm/misc/psycho.html

If you already know it, don't bother. Keep your mouth shut and don't get caught in a criminal act!
  u'r traumatized b4, weren't u - me3 01/30/09 (233)
    My only damn fault was messing - 笪緱 01/30/09 (269)
      tu madre es una puta sin senos - me3 01/30/09 (285)
        Too ashamed to continue in Eng - 笪緱 01/30/09 (244)
          Is verbal defecation ur forte? - me3 01/30/09 (250)
            You really made me think hard - 笪緱 01/30/09 (286)
              yep, meatloaves r like that.  /無內容 - me3 01/30/09 (235)
                I think I lied about your mom - 笪緱 01/30/09 (149)
                  igualmente.  /無內容 - me3 01/30/09 (142)
                    You don't have to apologize - 笪緱 01/30/09 (154)
                      Your delirium is evident. - me3 01/30/09 (147)
                I think I lied about you mom.. - 笪緱 01/30/09 (251)
                  你這蠢驢,教養如斯,也罵不出什麼水準了。  /無內容 - me3 01/30/09 (253)
                    看你暴跳如雷的,也就這點能耐。還是別處玩去吧  /無內容 - 笪緱 01/30/09 (201)
                      呵呵,這裡挺好玩的, puto. - me3 01/30/09 (245)
                        Asimismo! amigo.  /無內容 - 笪緱 01/30/09 (239)
                          no eres mijo, eres imbecile.  /無內容 - me3 01/30/09 (166)
                          打住打住,你紳士一把讓他說最後一句, - celery 01/30/09 (239)
                            呵呵,就當我是你大爺才好  /無內容 - me3 01/30/09 (224)
                              別亂叫!誰稀罕做你大爺, you scumbag  /無內容 - 笪緱 01/30/09 (203)
                                誰稀罕做你大爺, you scumbag  /無內容 - me3 01/30/09 (188)
      是男的? Reading Comprehension欠缺不少  /無內容 - dhk 01/30/09 (217)
        你是個2椅子吧?  /無內容 - 笪緱 01/30/09 (164)
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