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Re dc dad 2: about the data
送交者: idaida 2005年07月28日17:42:28 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

1) To me, as a person: being a parent is a life time job I choose and enjoy deeply. Parnting is an education in a larger school than any research can define.

2)As a developmentalist, when I mention mailand Chinese background, it means all the people out their with this identity, although I knew some so called "精英", oversea or in China tend to constantly ignor that the majority Chinese are us who speak here, even 100 out of us, compare to even 1/4 of mainland's total population, what is the % ?

3)For research data: as I said, parenting is a school, when school assign project to students, what will our kids do? Will school tell them the answer? No, our kids have to do their homework, right? so they can learn how to think. Is that what science for?

4) There are datas,surveys, research reports, in English or Chinese, , etc. studied comparable subject from pools with similar socail , economical etc. backgroung, I am afraid it will be even less"logic" for you to know the hard data.

whatever you like or dislike what I said is ferfect fine to me, I am not a judgemental person. But to make unfair/unjustice judgement/bad words to anyone in the psy field who is not joing this conversation is not a gentleman.

I just want to share with those who think it makes sense.

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