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送交者: YDX 2007年01月31日15:10:59 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

On or about December 1, 2003, Mr. and Mrs. He approached AMH at a Wal-Mart store, in direct violation of the Court’s order prohibiting contact between the Hes and AMH. Mrs. He assaulted the Bakers’ teenage daughter, Hope, in an attempt to forcibly take AMH from the care and custody of the Bakers’ teenage daughter and leave the Wal-Mart premises.

_ While Mrs. He was attempting forcibly to take AMH from the Bakers’ daughter, Mr. He falsely represented to a Wal-Mart supervisor that the Bakers’ daughter had forcibly taken AMH from the Hes, and that Mrs. He was merely attempting to regain custody of AMH from the Bakers’ daughter.

_ The Hes have demonstrated a pattern of falsely accusing persons who fail to act according to the Hes’ requests, demands, or desires. The Hes have shown a propensity to falsely accuse others of bias, prejudice, unethical conduct, or intentionally lying when others do not do what the Hes want them to do, say what the Hes want them to say, or when others say or do things that the Hes disagree with. The Hes also have shown a propensity to falsely accuse persons who oppose the Hes, or disagree with them in any way, of being part of a conspiracy to harm the Hes.

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