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送交者: 壞壞家 2009年02月26日18:26:53 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話


開學沒多久,告訴咱們,參加了學校的拉丁興趣小組(Latin Club),需要到學校接送。最近這好幾個月,忙的是不亦樂乎。上個星期,她們小組代表學校參加田州的Mid-state 拉丁比賽,領回了一大堆的獎。咱也不知道比賽的規模算多大,得獎是不是很容易?咱看她寫的這首獲了某項(比賽項目名目繁多)第一名的小詩挺值得收藏,那就放到咱的博客里作個紀念吧。

要求詩的內容和古羅馬的歷史故事有關。這首小詩的背景故事或說明:One day, when Jupiter was bored, he and Mercury went to Phrygia to find out how hospitable the people were. This was important to him because all who seek shelter were under his especial protection. Jupiter and Mercury took the appearance of poor wayfarers and knocked on each house’s door, asking for food and a place to stay. Hundreds of people turned them down, but finally, they came to a hut shabbier than they had come to. A kind old man and woman named Baucis and Philemon welcomed them in. Baucis and Philemon made them very comfortable and gave them the best meal they could provide with wine. Finally, when the old couple realized the wine bowl kept full, Jupiter and Mercury told them that they were gods and that they were the only hospitable people in all of Phrygia. As a reward, they received a grand temple and anything else they wanted. So Baucis and Philemon wished to become priests and guardians of the temple for Jupiter and Mercury. Also, they wished to stay with each other for the rest of their lives. So, when they became extremely old, they began to turn in trees, still together. They grew as an oak and a linden from the same trunk.

Baucis and Philemon

In the hilly Phrygian country side,

A single tree is their pride.

An oak and a linden from the same trunk,

And I’m not lying or saying junk.


When Jupiter got sick of eating ambrosia up,

Or drinking nectar from a cup,

If he got tired of listening to Apollo’s lyre,

He searched for fun on earth from far to near.


With Mercury they dressed as mortals and went on many adventures.

One day, they went to Phrygia, an average town like yours,

To find out how hospital were they.

But hundreds had turned down throughout the day.


Finally, in a shack poorer than they had seen,

An old man and woman, Philemon and Baucis, neither bitter nor mean,

Took them in for a hearty meal,

Throwing a wine in the deal.


When they realized the wine bowl kept full,

They knew and tried to catch the gods a goose, a task hard to pull.

It was time for them to reveal their secret.

Telling them they would get a reward that would cheer them up a bit.


Before their eyes, a magnificent temple appeared.

One wish allowed them to be priests of Jupiter and Apollo; they almost teared.

Another wish would grant them an eternity together.

Even when they become so old, their faces like leather.


One day when talking about their former life without fear,

They saw the end would be near.

They visioned each other putting forth leaves, the bark would appear.

The linden and oak grew from one trunk, still each other’s dear.



  寫得太好了。 - JTL 02/27/09 (337)
    家裡有個壞小子 - 壞壞家 02/27/09 (278)
  存下給小傢伙看,喜歡  /無內容 - 風輕雲淡 02/27/09 (259)
  好詩好詩 - 笪緱 02/26/09 (299)
    你真厲害 - 壞壞家 02/27/09 (296)
  謝謝誇獎 - 壞壞家 02/26/09 (282)
  寫得真好。好棒哦!  /無內容 - rainbow 02/26/09 (400)
    謝謝誇獎 - 壞壞家 02/26/09 (412)
      寫中文詩可簡單了,獨家秘方,雙手奉上 - rainbow 02/27/09 (484)
        高招啊 - 壞壞家 02/27/09 (234)
        累了一天,看這真管用.懂不懂另說.  /無內容 - 風輕雲淡 02/27/09 (299)
      是好。比那個姓莎的老頭兒寫的好多了。  /無內容 - rainbow 02/27/09 (401)
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