小學三年級暑假生活──百老匯《音樂人》少兒劇彩排公演 |
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2012年08月20日03:49:59 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話 |
五個星期捷門堂鐘樓戲劇院夏令營即將過去,最讓我家童少動情難忘的時刻當屬最後登台表演。我完全搞不明白,一個極不善於賓州光華中文學校演講比賽中面對只有廿多位同班同學的孩子,怎麼能夠又唱又跳又說又笑又演又……,神情自若地面對劇院內幾百號觀眾?而且定要明年再來。 Mon., July 23rd, 2012 This morning it was the most boring ever in my summer camp. We had to wait about 3 quarters of an hour and just stood there for trying out costumes because of too many people in line. I wore a leather jacket. The costume lady asked me to dress a pair of black pants and a white long sleeve shirt from home. Afterwards, we did a long and less energetic run. The teachers pointed that out immediately. This week, the car-line (pick-ups) group became almost doubled at noon since the performance would take place and many people just made a half day through. We were too busy to take a break during our routines. Therefore, I was hungry when I got home. 星期一,二O一二年七月廿三日 今早是我夏令營以來最無聊的一個上午,因為有太多的人同時試穿演出服裝,以至於要排隊等候45分鐘之長才輪到我。服裝師要我在演出時,直接從家裡穿來白襯衫和黑褲子。 試裝完畢,我們進行了一次漫長而無精打采的彩排。老師們眼疾齒俐,立刻批評了大家。 本周中午等車回家(接人)族人數幾乎加倍,公演在即,很多人半天排練完畢便打道返府。 因為時間緊任務急,我們連中間休息的工夫都沒有。回家時,我已經飢腸轆轆。 Tues., July 24th, 2012 Today it was the first day to rehearse with costumes. Unlike yesterday, the costume room seemed less crowded after all. I was grateful that I had a simple costume and didn't have to change very often during the show. In the run, a few of funny things happened. First of all, Winthrop, a lisp boy was played by Tommy Shen who was 2 years older than I. The world was so small that we were my schoolmate to each other. His classroom was right across mine atGuangHuaChineseSchoolcoincidentally. However, we did not know each other until now. He came to the stage late because he was changing his costume and his microphone was on. So we could hear him screaming to dress quickly. Second of all, Harold, the music man acted by Michael talked to the junior campers (5-8 years old) in the band: "Think MEN think". Beth, our stage director corrected him by telling him that the audiences were just KIDS. Third of all,WinthropHUGE hat kept falling whenever he leaned forward. It was so hilarious. Even after I left, I couldn't help laughing historically. 星期二,二O一二年七月廿四日 今天,我們頭一次彩排。不像昨天,服裝室人山人海。好在我的服裝簡單,不必在演出期間換來換去。 走台時,發生了幾樁有趣的事情。 第一件有趣的事是,口吃的男孩溫斯羅普由沈一默扮演,他長我兩歲,碰巧我們還是賓州光華中文學校的校友,他上課的教室就在我的對面。不過,我倆在此之前並不認識對方。他因為要換上演出服而未能及時登台,但身上麥克風一直開着,大伙兒都能聽到他急得大喊大叫。 第二件有趣的事是,音樂人哈羅德的扮演者邁克對着眼前五~八歲小班樂隊演員發話:“想一想,先生們,想一想”。舞台監督貝斯趕緊提醒道,他們只不過是一幫孩童。 第三件有趣的事是,溫斯羅普頭頂一個超大型帽子,只要前行,帽子就會掉下來。太滑稽啦!直到回家,我一想起來就忍不住大笑起來。 Wed., July 25th, 2012 Today, the cast was full of energy. Everyone finished changing in about 5 minutes. We started to run the show at 8:55 am and completed it in less than 85 minutes. Our regular time span 105 minutes long. Beth, stage director, asked us to practice tonight and took a good rest after we went home. I was first to go outside for car line because I didn't bring anything. It seemed freaking hot! Margaret who played one of "Pick-a-Little" ladies mimicked Justin Bieber, a pop song start whom I really DISLIKE. She sounded really off cue and needed improvement. Now her brother who played Jafar in Aladdin Jr. last year came here to ask her if he could pick her up. So he did. Thank God! She left here. I'd better get fresh air for our show time tomorrow. 星期三,二O一二年七月廿五日 今天所有的劇組成員都士氣大振,只花了大約5分鐘便換好了服裝。我們從早上8:55開始,不到85分鐘就彩排完整個劇情,而平常得需要105分鐘。舞台導演貝斯要求我們回家後繼續練習,並保證睡眠。 我沒帶任何東西來,所以第一個走出劇場等候回家。外面簡直熱得要死!扮演《都市欲望》女士之一的瑪格利特正模仿美國流行音樂王子賈斯汀•比伯的歌曲,我真的非常討厭他。她唱得跑了調,應該好好改進。去年,她哥哥在《阿拉丁》兒童劇中扮演壞蛋賈方。今天他開車順道過來,問她想不想離開,她同意跟他一起回家。多謝上帝,她終於走了!我需要精神飽滿,為明天正式演出做好準備。 Thurs., July 26th, 2012 Today there was so much fun. Babies and toddlers came to see our Broadway play of "The Music Man Jr." fromGermantownAcademyDaycareCenter! But we greeted with a lot of crying and screaming. They happened to be frightened by a fire cracker in the show. At the end, Beth of the stage director had a little chat with us about the show. Some parents asked her if they could pick up their child(ren) from the theater inside during 2-day performance. She agreed. For some reason, I became frozen in the beginning of the show and then kept sweating in the end. I left right after the show. In the evening, the cast had another performance. More people showed up. I did get a lot of compliments, too. MycampT-shirtwas added to my memory here and looked lovely about our show picture of "76 Trombones" and I incepted it with excitement. The size of Youth Large fit me perfectly. I felt really terrific when I got home. The second performance was wayyyyy better! It was an extremely exciting day. 星期四,二O一二年七月廿六日 今天太有意思啦,捷門堂幼兒園的嬰幼兒前來觀看我們百老匯《音樂人》少兒劇的演出!自始至終貫穿着哭啼聲和尖叫聲,他們大概被劇中鞭炮聲給嚇壞了。 演出結束時,舞台導演貝斯跟我們談及表演事宜。有的家長提議,兩天演出期間能否到劇院裡面來接送孩子,她表示同意。 不知為什麼,剛上台表演的時候,我動作僵硬;劇終時,又發覺大汗淋淋。散場後,我趕緊回家。 晚上,我們還有一場正式演出,觀眾來的很多,我得到了不少讚譽。與此同時,我還領回一件夏令營體恤衫作為紀念品,上面印有主題歌《76把長號》圖片。 回家時,我心花怒放。說實在的,第二場表演要好…好得多! 今天真是美不勝收。 Fri., July 27th, 2012 The run had a good start in the morning show. We performed "The Music Man Jr." to all campers inGermantownAcademy. But the Mayor actor didn't seem to be full of energy as he was yesterday. The teacher straightened it out right after. During the show, the audiences were really rude. We heard a loud "Boo" in the middle of a scene over the theater. A weird thing happened when the audience all like Winthrop, the lisp boy. The night show was awesome! My dad came to watch the play and gave me a big compliment. After the show, the cast gave the teachers and staffs the presents in front of the audience. The counselors looked really surprised. In the changing room, I tried to stay for enough time and say Bye to everyone. I wouldn't be seeing them until next year, except for Sydney who was in my school. There was a post called "Kiss Cast" in the hallway outside the theater. Each actor and actress had a brown paper bag that held cards or gifts from parents, friends, cast, teachers and even audience. When I looked into my bag for complements, it had 7 cards in total from my parents, teachers, counselors and the stage director Beth and a handful of Hershey chocolates. My mom wouldn't let me eat more than one candy because I had too many cavities in my teeth. I had great time at Belfry Theater Camp! 星期五,二O一二年七月廿七日 我們早場《音樂人》少兒劇演得不錯,觀眾都是來自捷門堂夏令營的營員。不過,扮演鎮長的演員不像昨個兒那樣精神十足。事後,老師馬上給他指了出來。演出期間,觀眾非常無禮,中場噓聲四起。最奇怪的是,大家都喜歡口吃的溫斯羅普這個角色。 夜場演得非常棒!爸爸特意跑來觀看,並實打實表揚了我一番。表演結束後,我們全體演員在觀眾面前鄭重地向劇組老師和工作人員贈送禮物。接到禮物時,實習生看上去都很驚訝。 更衣室里,我儘量多花些時間跟每一位劇組成員道別,除了我的校友悉尼以外,大家一年後才會重逢。 劇院走廊里有一“親吻演員”壁報專欄,上面給每位演員準備了一個棕色紙袋,父母、同伴、老師、甚至觀眾可以把明信片和禮物放在裡面。我一共有七張賀卡和一小把赫氏巧克力,分別來自我的父母、老師、實習生和舞台導演貝斯。媽媽只允許我吃一塊,因為我有太多的蛀牙。 我在鐘樓戲劇院夏令營的這段時光真爽! (二O一二年七月廿八日,第一次世界大戰爆發)
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歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2010: | 往昔如夢,前程如煙之四:理想漫談 | |
2009: | 我的經典傳說。(真實人生) | |
2009: | 打斷一下,問一個問題啊, | |
2008: | 中國傳統文化帶動經濟良性發展的經驗分 | |
2008: | 指鹿為“驢” | |