小豬的哥哥交作業了----人生如何規劃? |
送交者: 小豬爸爸 2014年10月10日05:54:34 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話 |
下面是小豬的哥哥的“傑作”: Long-term goals Look at the timeline below. Write your current age and think about what some of your long-term goals are and the age you want to achieve them.  You are now :10  Goals: be a better chess and cello player Not get any detentions Age:20-30 Goals: Graduate from a good college Married,children,good job Better chess player and cellist House,car,WIN THE LOTTERY Age 30-40 Goals: Better job,bigger house Prefessional cellist,Master level chess player, WIN THE LOTTERY be rich Go on some vacations,Pet, bird Age:50-60 Goals: WIN THE LOTTERY Vacations,WIN THE LOTTERY Vacations,retire Age:60-70 Goals: Live for 20 more years WIN THE LOTTERY Be in good shape Age:70-80 Goals: Give money to relatives Survive survive survive |
實用資訊 | |
一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2013: | 對《女兒學校的“階級成分”劃分》一文 | |
2013: | 事實告訴你,配方奶對幼兒沒好處 | |
2012: | 和女兒談心(57)——練琴的煩惱 | |
2012: | 冬夜漫漫,螢火閃閃 -- 仿製螢火蟲小手 | |
2011: | 馬黑妹妹:回憶父親二三事 | |
2011: | 盤點:孩子最怕哪些事? | |
2010: | 00後的可愛語錄和強大的80後媽媽 | |
2010: | 文童原創:你還敢玩網遊嗎(1)?--沃爾 | |
2009: | (視頻)一個爸爸寫給孩子的信--非常感人 | |
2009: | 老驥伏櫪:我不想被孩子埋怨 | |