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送交者: celery 2009年05月13日08:33:40 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future (Daniel Pink) 前副总统GORE的写手写的,大意是,随着跟逻辑思维有关的工作一部分被电脑取代,一部分被outsource, 掌控未来西方世界的将是右脑思维的文人。象匣子这样在挣扎一世的,终于可以爬上岸歇口气养养再大显身手(当然了,匣子不要以为那是你斗争胜利了,而是因为退潮了),不过他面对的将是新涌现的心理学家们对他展开的修理工作。 摘抄一段amazon读者评论: By Jake Aguirre (California) - See all my reviews (REAL NAME) A Whole New Mind is written for those who are looking for a whole new way to see the world and engage their brain. The book starts with a historical narrative outlining four major "ages": 1. Agricultural Age (farmers) 2. Industrial Age (factory workers) 3. Information Age (knowledge workers) 4. Conceptual Age (creators and empathizers) The fourth stage is where Pink focuses on how people and businesses can be successful. Pink references three prevailing trends pointing towards the future of business and the economy: Abundance (consumers have too many choices, nothing is scarce), Asia (everything that can be outsourced, is) and Automation (computerization, robots, technology, processes). This brings up three crucial questions for the success of any business: 1. Can a computer do it faster? 2. Is what I'm offering in demand in an age of abundance? 3. Can someone overseas do it cheaper? When these questions are present, creativity becomes the competitive difference that can differentiate commodities (and YOU are a commodity, too). Pink outlines six essential senses: 1. Design - Moving beyond function to engage the sense. 2. Story - Narrative added to products and services - not just argument. Best of the six senses. 3. Symphony - Adding invention and big picture thinking (not just detail focus). 4. Empathy - Going beyond logic and engaging emotion and intuition. 5. Play - Bringing humor and light-heartedness to business and products. 6. Meaning - Immaterial feelings and values of products. Pink makes the argument that we all need to incorporate more empathy and play into our lives because it enables one to relax, enjoy life more and engage the unused capacity of one's intellect. He makes a strong argument that our society pigeon holes us into thinking a certain way and approaching life without the tools we really need to enjoy it and get the most out of it. The book is full of useful tips and strategies in addition to a call to action in your own life.
  谢谢介绍这本好书. - twocent 05/13/09 (356)
    他要是喜欢逛书店,可以在那儿读, - celery 05/13/09 (324)
      好事多磨. - twocent 05/14/09 (327)
  准备培养孩子读工程电脑的家长要多做些考虑了  /无内容 - celery 05/13/09 (361)
    不就是忽悠嘛。  /无内容 - 匪连长 05/13/09 (295)
      咋个是忽悠呢? - celery 05/13/09 (304)
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