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送交者: 天边的红霞 2012年08月20日03:49:59 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话


Mon., July 23rd, 2012

      This morning it was the most boring ever in my summer camp. We had to wait about 3 quarters of an hour and just stood there for trying out costumes because of too many people in line. I wore a leather jacket. The costume lady asked me to dress a pair of black pants and a white long sleeve shirt from home.

      Afterwards, we did a long and less energetic run. The teachers pointed that out immediately.

      This week, the car-line (pick-ups) group became almost doubled at noon since the performance would take place and many people just made a half day through.

      We were too busy to take a break during our routines. Therefore, I was hungry when I got home.






Tues., July 24th, 2012

      Today it was the first day to rehearse with costumes. Unlike yesterday, the costume room seemed less crowded after all. I was grateful that I had a simple costume and didn't have to change very often during the show.

      In the run, a few of funny things happened.

      First of all, Winthrop, a lisp boy was played by Tommy Shen who was 2 years older than I. The world was so small that we were my schoolmate to each other. His classroom was right across mine atGuangHuaChineseSchoolcoincidentally. However, we did not know each other until now. He came to the stage late because he was changing his costume and his microphone was on. So we could hear him screaming to dress quickly.

      Second of all, Harold, the music man acted by Michael talked to the junior campers (5-8 years old) in the band: "Think MEN think". Beth, our stage director corrected him by telling him that the audiences were just KIDS.

      Third of all,WinthropHUGE hat kept falling whenever he leaned forward. It was so hilarious. Even after I left, I couldn't help laughing historically.







Wed., July 25th, 2012

      Today, the cast was full of energy. Everyone finished changing in about 5 minutes. We started to run the show at 8:55 am and completed it in less than 85 minutes. Our regular time span 105 minutes long. Beth, stage director, asked us to practice tonight and took a good rest after we went home.

      I was first to go outside for car line because I didn't bring anything. It seemed freaking hot! Margaret who played one of "Pick-a-Little" ladies mimicked Justin Bieber, a pop song start whom I really DISLIKE. She sounded really off cue and needed improvement. Now her brother who played Jafar in Aladdin Jr. last year came here to ask her if he could pick her up. So he did. Thank God! She left here. I'd better get fresh air for our show time tomorrow.




Thurs., July 26th, 2012

      Today there was so much fun. Babies and toddlers came to see our Broadway play of "The Music Man Jr." fromGermantownAcademyDaycareCenter! But we greeted with a lot of crying and screaming. They happened to be frightened by a fire cracker in the show.

      At the end, Beth of the stage director had a little chat with us about the show. Some parents asked her if they could pick up their child(ren) from the theater inside during 2-day performance. She agreed.

      For some reason, I became frozen in the beginning of the show and then kept sweating in the end. I left right after the show.

      In the evening, the cast had another performance. More people showed up. I did get a lot of compliments, too. MycampT-shirtwas added to my memory here and looked lovely about our show picture of "76 Trombones" and I incepted it with excitement. The size of Youth Large fit me perfectly.

      I felt really terrific when I got home. The second performance was wayyyyy better!

      It was an extremely exciting day.








Fri., July 27th, 2012

      The run had a good start in the morning show. We performed "The Music Man Jr." to all campers inGermantownAcademy. But the Mayor actor didn't seem to be full of energy as he was yesterday. The teacher straightened it out right after. During the show, the audiences were really rude. We heard a loud "Boo" in the middle of a scene over the theater. A weird thing happened when the audience all like Winthrop, the lisp boy.

      The night show was awesome! My dad came to watch the play and gave me a big compliment. After the show, the cast gave the teachers and staffs the presents in front of the audience. The counselors looked really surprised.

      In the changing room, I tried to stay for enough time and say Bye to everyone. I wouldn't be seeing them until next year, except for Sydney who was in my school.

      There was a post called "Kiss Cast" in the hallway outside the theater. Each actor and actress had a brown paper bag that held cards or gifts from parents, friends, cast, teachers and even audience. When I looked into my bag for complements, it had 7 cards in total from my parents, teachers, counselors and the stage director Beth and a handful of Hershey chocolates. My mom wouldn't let me eat more than one candy because I had too many cavities in my teeth.

      I had great time at Belfry Theater Camp!















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