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布布童话 (1) The Magic Card
送交者: 一杯中国茶 2013年02月23日16:57:19 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

The Magic Card

Once upon a time a boy sent a card to his fried named Oscar. Oscar got the card and he went to bed.
Then something happened. The card came alive! And the card made a mess in Oscar's room.
The next morning Oscar saw a mess. And the mess was very messy. This is what he saw: the clothes were on the floor, and the books were on the floor too.
And Oscar saw the card alive. So Oscar asked 2 questions.
The first question was... how did you come alive?
And the second question was... did you make the mess?
The card only answered the second question abd the answer was...
So they cleaned the mess together.
And they lived happily ever after.
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