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sharing tips about helping kids to swim
送交者: idaida 2005年07月28日17:42:28 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

for parents who realy care about how to help kids to learn swimming only.

Start asking a few simple logic Q

Q1: what is this key factors make swimming natural:

A1: cordination betw. lims and breath

Q2: what is the most barrier kids (not including newborns, they can swim without any teaching)facing when learnning swimming?
A: Fear, stress...->

Q3: What our boy's physical reaction to stress, fear...
A: our heart rate increase,our breath become faster, irregular and shallow, our muscles get stiffed and the cordination between muscles etc. decrease, even our vision will get blured...


So to help kids to learn swimming should focus on their confidence of the water, as soon as they are confidence over coem their fear in water, they then can swim and swim well.

If one have a look of the western swim schools for kids curriculum, the #1 key is to help kids to find and build their (individual) confidence on water.
After that, you will find most kids can swim like a fish.

Each year, north america will have more than a few hundrade kids died of drawning. I hope it will decrease by parents gaining more knowledge to help our kids to learn this could be life saving skill.

In China (mainland), each year, young children died of non-parent attended accident (including in water and household accident) is a few times more than natural disease(including genetic heart failure and kids cancer), and most of the accidents are preventable. WE can help, as we are all parents. Sharing this small piece of info is for this purpose.Hope it serve well.

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