潜水的树 |
送交者: 佚名 2005年07月28日17:42:28 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
Good point. First, I apologies for so many typos and error in my former text. Actually I was just back home from a rescue training before I came to this web to post my two cents. I was volunteering for a kid’s safety org. during my spare time and was very tired last evening.
So back to swim. I do appreciate your point because that was my once asked Q. However, it depends which “pool” you refer to and how do you view it. It’s a blit like we say car accident only happens to car drivers. If you are also one of the” parent generation” in this pool, I guess you also learnt to swim in China? Or? Now, I‘d like to ask: had we ever been taught any water smart behavior like our kids are learning here in western? Did we ever learn the First Aid and Rescue skill, in water and on land? No, most of us have not much solid knowledge for all these. According to North America's swimming curriculum, at certain age/swimming skill level, kids will have to learn all the skill above. In Canada, it is under discussion these skills will be put into their school physical edu curriculum. Permanent brain damage may result if a person goes without oxygen for over 4 minutes. For kids, it may happen in a even shorter time. In case of Swimming, the difference could be just one breath. Thanks for reading my post, and thanks to those who share my value. Wish all the best to all the kids! Our life is blessed by them. |
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