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小子作文朗读"My Santa Claus Dream"
送交者: 笑菡 2009年01月11日13:46:16 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
My Santa Claus Dream

The wonders of Santa Claus can create miracles. Since I was three, every Christmas morning, I would run downstairs and see the presents and yell that Santa had been at our house. Christmas was full of so much joy and mystery with Santa and Reindeer, until 2nd grade when my school friends told me that my parents were Santa. I lost belief since. On the Christmas Eve of 2007, I had woken up at mid-night and gone to see the presents, but to my surprise, I did not see a single present. I asked my parents why weren’t there any presents under the tree. They said that Santa did not come that year, because I did not believe in him. I went to the fire place and started screaming at the top of my lungs that I believed, in an effort to try and talk to Santa. I was anxious for the rest of the night, hoping that Santa had heard me and that he would come. I had even left milk and cookies for him. Next morning, I dashed to the tree upon waking up, and found presents stacked under it. I was overjoyed and believed for months afterward. However, as the months passed, I lost most of my belief. I preserved my last trace of belief until the Christmas of 2008. This Christmas, mom decorated the tree with silver ribbon. Alexander and I helped hang the ornaments with mom, and I nearly fell off the stair railing trying to hang a Minnie Mouse that we brought at Disney World two years ago. Dad put the snow angel on the top of the tree. The Polar Express train was assembled under the tree by dad and Alexander. Three mini houses and a ceramic Santa that played a Christmas tune when twisted, were placed by me on a cabinet next to the tree. The stockings were hanging atop the fireplace. On Christmas Eve, I left two platters of milk and cookies out, because I wanted to tease Alexander, since he believed so much, telling him that Mrs. Claus might come too. Shaking out of nervousness in my bed, I was hoping that Santa would come, yet fearing that the little belief that I had was not enough. But, when I woke up on Christmas day, I found presents all over the tree. My happiness was greater than words could describe. After that, my belief grew, like weeds on a lawn. Today, I believe that Santa will come next Christmas, because it is fun to believe, and, I want my Christmas dream to last.
    您得在圣诞前对着家里的壁炉大声呼唤: - 笑菡 01/12/09 (164)
      哈哈,好!明年我试试!:)  /无内容 - Box 01/12/09 (101)
  送给高大哥和对Santa持怀疑态度的小朋友  /无内容 - 笑菡 01/11/09 (209)
    高大哥说了 - 刘福禄 01/11/09 (134)
    又是一个小天才啊!和哥哥的声音很像。 - 三月梅 01/11/09 (192)
      哎呦,看这三姨真糊涂,哈哈。二小子有才,三姨对他很有信心:)  /无内容 - 三月梅 01/11/09 (202)
        哈,成天换着法子欺负哥哥.不会玩的游戏就找哥哥帮忙, - 笑菡 01/11/09 (130)
          o(∩_∩)o...哈哈 - 三月梅 01/11/09 (112)
        我一想到小二发明的 - 三月梅 01/11/09 (196)
          是啊,孩子有趣的话我现在不记下来,将来忘掉了多可惜.:-)  /无内容 - 笑菡 01/11/09 (187)
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