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送交者: rainbow 2009年02月08日17:48:46 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
It was a hot summer day. It was as loud as a monkey. Oh oh, ah ah. It felt like I was melting into the ground. I saw my pool and asked my mom if I could go in. She said yes. Canonball! SPLASH. I felt so good. I got out and saw a bzzz bee. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I ran into my house, and changed and came out again. I sweated crazy. I just had to make it to the summer party where there is ice cream, water, ice and a pool. So tired, must rest, but I have to make it to the party. I'm in hot lava. I feel like...oh oh oh oh oh, almost there. Yay. I made it. I must have water. Much better.....Now it's night. Yaaaaaay!" 看了这篇文章,我觉得很有趣,但是不太理解。特别是“as louc as a monkey” 于是问了一下,得到的回答如下(回答的人是小作者的阿姨): I got the impression of him running barefoot on the hot sidewalk, saying 'oh, oh, ah, ah' like a monkey. but the one time I visited them...there were lots of loud birds in the trees across the street, so perhaps his surroundings reminded him of a jungle.
  小朋友的世界真的是充满童趣!好可爱哦。  /无内容 - rainbow 02/08/09 (195)
  更有意思的回答 - rainbow 02/08/09 (285)
      猴哥一定第一个捧场  /无内容 - 笪缑 02/08/09 (192)
        第一部就叫《猴哥虹妹闯时空》 - rainbow 02/09/09 (205)
          建议第一部改成"十万火急,匣兄寄书"  /无内容 - 笪缑 02/09/09 (131)
            最后小朋友们热烈讨论,结论是: - rainbow 02/09/09 (191)
          还有一根枯树枝,会笑的花,和一种会消除人间烦恼的雷 - 笪缑 02/09/09 (241)
            忘了还有嫉恶如仇的梅花,还有各种各样稀奇古怪的花木和草 - 笪缑 02/09/09 (179)
              哈,这是给孩子写的,还是给你写的? - rainbow 02/09/09 (214)
                我家宝贝的想象力非常丰富 - rainbow 02/09/09 (173)
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