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送交者: 天边的红霞 2012年07月16日06:45:52 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

      根据十八年教学经验,班主任凯丽蔻太太(Mrs. Kalikow)深知,培养人才一定得从长计议,从眼下每一件不足挂齿的“小事”做起。于是自小学三年级开学伊始,她便全盘部署教学计划,决定在暑假到来之前,要求全班学生各自将学校生活整理成章,并编辑成8开图书画册──三年级回忆录(My 3rd Grade Memory Book),左边一页标有文字说明,右边一页贴上全部由凯丽蔻太太拍摄提供的相片,我家童少前序后跋,沿着每页四周添植加叶,点缀出各式各样的花边。就这样,《三年级回忆录从头到尾手工制作,堪称无价之宝,令我们回味终生。






My First Day of School

      On my first day of school, I was not only nervous, but really scared. Fortunately, I saw that a lot of my old friends were around, especially the people who were at my table. We introduced each other and I thought that I even made some new friend right away.





Johnny Appleseed Day

      On Johnny Appleseed Day, we ate small apple pies that we made by ourselves and watched a very cool movie "Johnny Appleseed". I learned about where Johnny Appleseed grew up and how John Chapman traveled to American frontier and helped Indians. I even heard that he could talk to animals. It was an awesome day!







      On Halloween, we dressed up as ghosts, zombies, and phantoms. We paraded around the school and ate snacks. A pizza party was served for lunch. We played Bingo afterwards. If someone hit Bingo, he or she could get a prize. It was fun although I didn't grab a lot of prizes. Then we sat down to watch a horror movie "Charlie Brown". To the end, the movie wasn't much scary though.











      For my timeline, I covered all the fun events from 2003 when I was born to 2011 now. In those years, a lot of exciting moments happened in my life.

      At 4 years old, I celebrated Chinese Spring Festival the first time ever in my life. And later I went to Hawaii where I eye-viewed 5 of 8 islands in Pacific Ocean from my home near Atlantic Ocean in 3 weeks.

      At 5, I headed back to China for Religious Festival as well as my birthday in Chinese style.

      Later I spent 2 years to tour at least a dozen of Caribbean countries in Central America.

      At almost 7, I was out of school on educational trip about a month to visit New Zealand and Australia in south hemisphere.

      At 8, I made my journey to the ancient Egypt in North Africa. Vacation around the globe was always my favorite.





Heritage Day

      On Heritage Day, we shared our food and explained how our cultures work. I chose China because my parents originated from there. I told everybody about Chinese traditions and history. When it came to geography, I mentioned to them about 14 countries that bordered around China. They are Bhutan, North Korea, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Laos, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Burma or Myanmar, India and Pakistan. After I described Chinese 5,000-year-old history, I I gave out my homemade dumplings. Everybody liked them. At the end of the day, they had a lump in their stomach.






Buddies Party

      At our Buddies party, my buddy who was a sixth grader came to our classroom and both of us ate delicious pizza and snacks together. Guess what? We also had 2 popsicles and a long conversation. It felt as if we haven't seen each other for a long time. I can't wait to be in sixth grade!






      We were learning about fable. Therefore, Mrs. Kalikow decided that we needed a break. She asked whether we could write our own fables and turned them into the plays. My story was called The Monkey and the Fox. Its main idea was that both monkey and fox want to eat the pears. They managed to get on the pear tree where it grows on an isolated island. I played the monkey and Sea acted the fox. We had a fun time performing.






      We were learning about persuasive writing. So each of us decided to make a commercial about it. My product was called Chicken O's. They look like O's as hulas and taste like chicken. Chicken O's contain 50 grams of protein and they always come in cans. You can get them anywhere and anytime. We performed our persuasive commercials to the class.





Electric Houses

      In science, we were learning about electricity. The teacher wanted us to make our own houses. She said that it had to include at least 1 light bulb. It took many days, but it worked. I completed my series circuit successfully.





Grandparents Day

      Every year, our grandparents come over. When they visited us, we had a play called "There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly". However we made our own version. In the story, I played the shark that catches the pig. The play worked out really well.





Field Trip

      This year we had a field trip to Peace Valley Park. I really liked it because we could get wet, muddy our shoes and find crayfish. We also discovered a lot of larva. And then we had chemical testing to see how clear the water was in the river. It was very cool and fun.






      For my biography, I chose Thomas Jefferson because he had a very interesting life. One thing was that he wanted to be remembered by the third President of the United States, not as the Louisiana Purchase in 19th century. Another thing was that he had 7 children and most of them died of diseases at young age unfortunately. Mr. Jefferson was also an inventor and a truly talented man.






      The path of knowledge makes for a brighter and better future. Love to learn!






About the Author

      Aiden is a student at Montgomery Elementary School. He likes to play soccer and tennis. A hobby of his is reading. He is very good at math. Aiden is looking forward to fourth grade.



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