In this thread, I will share with you my 30 some years of experience in studying English, started in the late 70s, as a high school student in one of the poorest towns in China, continued in Tsinghua and Cambridge, and then as a professor in the United States teaching my Chinese postgraduate students English, and finally as a dad watching my two kids growing up into their college and high School years.
One word of wisdom for all learners: however good your English sounds like, however well you write, if you cannot think in English and cannot use the simplest few words to express your idea, then you have not learned English yet. Next time when you speak, pay attention if you can correctly use the few words like she he her him, do did does, has have.
1. 踏上英语旅程的死路
1980年秋,我跨出上图中的门坎,坐了一整天的长途车到省城,然后再坐两整天的火车到北京。当我踏上清华大学校园,加入了80 级的2000新生时,北京的天空特别清爽,我觉得我几乎可以飞入兰天。
按考分,我和90名分数最低的新生被分配到英语C班,其它学生到B 班,或A班。