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13 苦谛 Bitter Crux
送交者: 卢岩 2023年07月11日18:39:10 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

本章目录 Table of Contents:13.1 欲界 Desire Boundary,13.1.1 地狱趣 Hell Interest,13.1.2 畜生趣 Livestock Interest,13.1.3 饿鬼趣 Hungry Ghost Interest,13.1.4 修罗趣 Asura Interest,13.1.5 人趣 Human Interest,13.1.6 欲天趣 Desire Sky Interest,13.2 色界Color Boundary,13.3 无色界 Non-color Boundary,13.4 统观大千世界 General View of the Great Grand Worlds


The Four Victorious Cruxes are Bitter Crux, Aggregate Crux, Salvation Crux, and Path Crux. Bitter Crux talks that all sentients’ phenomena are bitter phenomena in Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds (as shown in illustration 13). Aggregate Crux explains that reason of sentients’ bitter is aggregate (i.e., gathering). Salvation Crux says that there is a nirvana (as shown in illustration 13 -2), bitter free absolutely. And Path Crux teaches how to depend on nirvana, to live in a better place, called Middle Earth (as shown in illustration 13 -35, Tenochtitlan). Among the four cruxes, Bitter Crux is the biggest, can assimilate other three cruxes generally.

13 苦谛 Bitter Crux.jpg

什么是“三千大千世界”?答:是十亿尘刹土的异名。“尘刹土”是身土义,佛土义。佛的巴利语是Buddha,觉义,身土义,即色香声味触法等法尘义。那十亿怎么变成了 “三千大千” ?古人称一千为小千,一百万为中千,十亿为大千。说三千大千世界,是把十亿读了三遍,实际就是一个大千世界。因为小千、中千、大千,三次言千;古人就把三千作为形容词放在了前面。

What are the " Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds"? Answer: It is a different name for One Billion Dust Instant Soils. Dust Instant Soil is bodily soil, means perception, Buddha. The Pali word Buddha means perception; therefore, Buddhas means “bodily soils”, are color, smell, sound, taste, touch, etc. juristic dusts. Why does “One Billion” become “Three-Grand Great-Grand”? Ancients call one thousand as a Small Grand, a million as a Median Grand, a billion as a Great Grand. Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds are “Great-Grand Worlds” factually. The word Great-Grand is from three times of thousand times, so ancients put “three-grand” as adjective to modify “Great-Grand Worlds”.

13.1 欲界 Desire Boundary


Boundary means reason, seed, is one of four big seeds of life tree (refers to section 11.2 Four Big Seeds). In Desire Boundary (refers to illustration 13-9 to -22), all sentient beings have food, drink, sleep, and sexual intercourse etc. desires, have color, sound, smell, taste, and touch, the five desires. Are there any people without the five desires? Answer: yes! People in Color Boundary (refers to illustration -5 to -8) have no male and female differences, and they don’t eat and sleep; and in Non-color Boundary (refers to illustration -1 to -4), those are pure consciousness states, people don’t have body, don’t breathe, certainly they don’t have color sound etc., five desires at all.

古德对根本十戒的遵守与违犯,又把欲界众生分成了六趣,即地狱趣、畜生趣等。根本十戒亦可分为十恶戒和十善戒。十恶戒是:1.杀生,2.偷盗,3.邪淫, 4.妄语,5.绮语(轻佻,挑逗性的语言),6.恶口(骂詈恼人之语),7.两舌(挑拨离间,制造众生之间不和谐的行为),8.悭贪,9.嗔恚,10.邪见(闇昧迷理)。古人根据对十恶戒的违犯程度,把恶人分成了三类,称作三恶趣,或三恶道,分别是地狱趣、畜生趣、和恶鬼趣(如图13-22至-20所示)。

The Ten Fundamental Precepts can also be divided into the Ten Ferocious Precepts and the Ten Benevolent Precepts. The Ten Ferocious Precepts are: 1. killing, 2. stealing, 3. adultery, the first three precepts are bodily precepts; 4. illusive languages, 5. floral language (frivolous, provocative language), 6. ferocious language (swearing and annoying words), 7.two tongues (to sow discord, create disharmonious behavior among all beings), these four are oral precepts; 8. greedy and stingy, 9. irritation and hate, 10. heretical, the last three are intentional precepts.  According to the degree of violation of the ten evil precepts, ancients divided ferocious people into three categories, called three Ferocious Interests or three Ferocious Paths, which are the Hell Interest, Livestock Interest, and Hungry Ghost Interest (as shown in Figure 13-22 to -20).


Not doing the above ten evils is the ten goods: 1. Not killing, or not only not killing, but also practicing rescue; 2. Not stealing, or not only not stealing, but also donating; 3. Not only not to practice adultery, but also to behave immaculately; 4. Not to lie, or not only not to lie, but also to speak truthfully; 5. Not to speak of floral language, or not only not to speak enticing language, but also to speak beneficial language.


6. Not to speak of ferocious language, or not only not to speak rough hash language, but also  to speak kind words to comfort; 7. Not to speak of two-tongue, or not only not to speak of embrangling language to sow discord, but also to speak of conciliating language; 8. Not to be greedy, or not only not to be stingy, but also to do donation; 9. Not to be irritated, or not only not to be bothersome, but also to bear mercifulness constantly; 10. Not to be heretical, or not only not to be heresy, but also to believe the reason and fruit of Four Cruxes.


According to the degree of violation of the Ten Beneficial Precepts, ancients divided good people into three categories, namely Asura Interest, Human Interest, and Desire-Sky Interest. Six interests are also called Six Paths; path means the kind of people are migrating on the paths to hell, hungry ghost, etc. places.

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