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stupid argument
送交者: xpt 2008月08月21日22:09:03 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 施一公教授的科研水平和回国的意义!飘侠 于 2008-08-21 20:55:07
Going back to China does not mean they have the right to cheat and steal! What he and others did are much more harmful.

Why cannot those "elite" smart guys not to cheat and steal? Is it too hard for them, or they are born as thieves?

All those "elite" going-back-to-China bozos should know that the best thing they can do to China is not to corrupt an already fragile system corrupted already to the last bone!
  more Shi Yi-Gongs are needed - Jeffery Joe 08/22/08 (247)
  stupid argument - 白字秀才 08/21/08 (355)
    Dr. Fang already pointed out - xpt 08/21/08 (290)
      你竟然相信伪造别人讲话的人之言论,byebye.  /无内容 - 白字秀才 08/21/08 (205)
      Wow,your evidence is stupid. - 白字秀才 08/21/08 (229)
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