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Hormones are not allowed to be
送交者: 廣東南蠻 2008月10月05日11:54:49 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: how many tons hormones used/yrsssa 於 2008-10-05 10:58:39
Hormones are not allowed to be used in the farming industry for the purpose of speeding up growth any more. It is only approved for the purpose of disease control. The FDA and Ministry of Agriculture have an application guidelines for XXX days before being shipped to the market. The farmer’s log book is for this purposes. The sample food inspection is to check the residue drugs to ensure it is within the allowable limits.

I believe all this information is open for public review. It is better to buy the FDA and Ministry of Agriculture guidelines and regulations for review.
  What about BGH? - chongmin 10/05/08 (175)
    FDA taking care of .. - 廣東南蠻 10/05/08 (183)
  關於農業獸藥。 95%以上的所謂獸藥,... - 廣東南蠻 10/05/08 (247)
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