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no need to be cynical
送交者: xi11west 2008月10月06日11:18:16 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: a88 is right on thisusedpen 於 2008-10-06 08:31:38
Of course you can doubt Einstein, but think it once more before making rash statement. This question has been discussed by many many talented people. Sure they could be all be wrong, but think of the probability. What makes you more correct than all of them? Don't under estimate others' brain before you have thought it over. (or more importantly, understand the problem first, i.e. what's behind the light speed in a physics view).
  can't agree wit you more!!! - kenn2003 10/12/08 (203)
  Did you make a living on that? - usedpen 10/06/08 (282)
    what's your logic? - xi11west 10/07/08 (207)
      you are a typical physicist - usedpen 10/08/08 (182)
      支持! - rarew 10/07/08 (204)
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