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64 people buried themselves
送交者: xi11west 2008月10月06日11:31:46 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 白字秀才: 那夜,我们永不忘记!白字秀才 于 2008-10-03 16:04:56
you 64 guys need to think why more and more Chinese people don't support 64 anymore. In the 19 years after 64, I didn't see many (if any) former 64 guys are really doing beautiful things as they claimed, on the contrary, some of them are actually doing disgusting things in the name of freedom, democracy, human rights, etc. You 64 guys buried yourselves. Some of you don't have the courage to face that there was something wrong with the movement in the beginning and afterwards, but only know to make yourself as a tragic victim. Stop crying like a loser.
  Nonsense - 白字秀才 10/06/08 (289)
    losers - xi11west 10/07/08 (240)
      you're a real loser - 白字秀才 10/07/08 (178)
        LOL, 64=CCP? - xi11west 10/08/08 (204)
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