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I do not understand you
送交者: Memelony 2008月11月18日11:07:10 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 看看该文的意思aa88 于 2008-11-17 22:34:53
1. is defining the domain where the author's opinion apply. 2. is a direct statement of author's point. 3. is essentially the same as 2. 4. is stating the same point from a different angle. Basically still saying the same thing, since nothing can be dangerous without being powerful. 5. starting to discuss how to come up with novel ideas. (It assumes everybody understands "ideas are powerful" means "novel ideas are powerful".) Where are thoughts from? What are the usual limiting factors. Then he concluded that you have to be very original. Basically means the author did not know how. He just summarized "it" using an empty word. So all points are closely connected.
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