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He does not understand physics
送交者: c_y_lo 2014月06月23日14:58:23 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 请教 c_y_loxyz12345 于 2014-06-13 00:21:41
From 't Hooft's papers, it is clear that  he does not understand the basic of Physics. In particular, from his Nobel Lecture in 1999, he does not understand even Newtonian Mechanics and special relativity. Thus, it is a waste of time if you try to convince him. Nevertheless, he is a very good applied mathematician if he got the physics right.
  Gerard 't Hooft 最近回信不让俺重投 - xyz12345 06/26/14 (303)
    You can criticize him - c_y_lo 06/28/14 (294)
    There are many journals. - c_y_lo 06/28/14 (302)
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