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You've made yourself a fair
送交者: 福村 2008月12月29日13:31:34 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: I'd like to ...stinger 於 2008-12-29 12:18:41
If I were you, I would just do it, instead of saying it. But I would be very specific, though.

I usually do not judge people by their English language proficiency and reasoning ability, but you’ve made yourself a fair game when you attack your own culture and language out of your ignorance. I haven’t seen much benefit you or other whiners like you gained from other culture you are obsessed with.

Next time when you want to trash Chinese culture / language, speak for yourself. Your lack of intelligence has nothing to do with it. You are not a victim of it. The proof is your English writing.

Also, you may want to be better at abstraction thinking, but do not generalize. Just because one Chinese person does something, doesn’t mean that every member of the Chinese race does it. You should know better since you appear to be living outside of China.

Finally, another correction, "so we can benefit each other" should be “so we can benefit from each other”. You missed “from”, and that’s not correct English. It reflects badly on your intelligence.
  We all need your lecturing... - stinger 12/30/08 (243)
    I give you credit for thinking - 福村 12/30/08 (277)
      Excuse my ignorance, but... - stinger 12/30/08 (239)
        你這個英文中國人能懂,西人會糊塗  /無內容 - aa88 12/30/08 (161)
          a兄講得非常中肯  /無內容 - 福村 12/30/08 (148)
        Let me start with a couple of - 福村 12/30/08 (186)
          一個否定漢字科學性的人必須英語好嗎  /無內容 - 言真輕 12/31/08 (201)
            是,因為你們所有的論據都是建立在和英文的比較上的。你們的英文 - 福村 12/31/08 (211)
              所有的論據都是建立在和英文的比較上? - stinger 01/01/09 (169)
      Excuse my ignorance, but... - stinger 12/30/08 (158)
  We all need your lecturing... - stinger 12/30/08 (164)
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