主流质疑相对论“学名”叫 “Lorentz Violation”,不叫 "反相对论“。"反相对论“ 在中国大陆被认为 ”民科“。
Eur. Phys. J. C (2010) 69: 343–346
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-010-1437-9
Lorentz violation in high-energy ions
Santosh Devasiaa
U. of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-2600, USA
Abstract The theoretical interest in small Lorentz violations has motivated experiments that investigate it by measuring deviations in the time dilation predicted by special relativity (SR) using high-energy ions. The main contribution of this article is to show that including the Doppler effect in the emission (which is of the same order as the time dilation effect) in the analysis leads to differences between experimental and theoretical predictions that indicate potential Lorentz violation.
Eur. Phys. J. C (2011) 71: 1596
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-011-1596-3
Comment on: “Lorentz violation in high-energy ions”
by Santosh Devasia
Abstract In an article “Lorentz violation in high-energy ions” by S. Devasia published in this Journal [EPJ C 69,
343 (2010)], our recent Doppler shift experiments on fast ion beams are reanalyzed. Contrary to our analysis, Devasia concludes that our results provide an “indication of Lorentz violation”. We argue that this conclusion is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of our experimental scheme and reiterate that our results are in excellent agreement with Special Relativity.