“没有说自己在做类似东西” |
送交者: SciRew 2014月10月12日08:24:30 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 有关庄小威发明的一些比较确实的事实(转贴) 由 wtxwtx 于 2014-10-11 18:32:25 |
what does Sunny Xie say about this?
She should put an explanation in her 2006 paper in such a case. what she did seemed not appropriate. “没有说自己在做类似东西” in the meeting may be OK. But she should put it in her 2006 paper as a declaration. If she could not prove that she did it before Eric Bertzig's talk in NIH, she cannot be identified as the inventor. It is very simple. |
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