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送交者: stinger 2009月01月06日06:26:33 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 希望可以殊途同歸一目 于 2009-01-06 05:59:16
Mr.一目, your seriousness impresses me so I would like to point out something for your information.

In the history, when human beings faced the world of the unknown, he used to have only one way to deal with it - pray - until science came out. What science told us is like a little island in the vast openness of water. Science opened a little island from praying and followed the way of reasoning rather than the blind worshiping as the only choice. Anywhere in the wild open world, religion is still the "big boy" since the "island" is so small no matter what humans do. In shot, as long as we face the unknown, we need religion, else, we are sort of losing the identity of being Human Being ourselves and degrade ourselves into the primitive animal world.

Hope this helps.
  是的, 宗教可有可無 - 一目 01/07/09 (182)
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