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Religion is in human's blood..
送交者: stinger 2009月01月07日06:01:56 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 宗教可有可無一目 于 2009-01-07 03:55:43
Good morning Mr. 一目
Thank you so much for your comment. I apologize that it is not convenient for me to write in Chinese in office.

I believe that you read my previous reply to your same question, but you seem not to budge in your conviction. Let me put it another way. Your question can be summarized as this (correct me if I am wrong): since science and religion both deal with the unknown. Why do we need the religion any more vs. science?

Well, first of all, I must say that religion has a much longer history than science and it can be used for ALL literate or not while science can apply to those who must have had some education to start with. Remember, not everyone in the world is as luck as we are. So in shot, it is in human blood since day one. Like it or not it is part of human nature - just your sneeze when you feel code.

Secondly, since religion is part of our nature, next question follows if we can study it and make it "better" - this is the work of all sorts of religion sprung out of the history from diverse ethnic groups.

Hope this helps.
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