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exactly, that is what
送交者: Outlooker 2009月01月07日21:46:52 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 那中國=中華人民共和國+中華民國?邏輯 於 2009-01-07 21:41:26
both the CCP and Guomingdang agree with.

The only tricky is that CCP claims PRC is the only representative of China because PRC takes more than 99% of China. In other words, if PRC=China, why there is a need of a country to represents itself?
    you really have 邏輯 problem - Outlooker 01/07/09 (221)
      中國教育是有問題。但沒邏輯言痴的問題和中國教育無關  /無內容 - 笪緱 01/07/09 (168)
        if you watch too much CCTV,and - Outlooker 01/07/09 (183)
    you are triped over 簡稱 - Outlooker 01/07/09 (174)
      我想你被說服,或者你比a某人要認識深刻。  /無內容 - 邏輯 01/07/09 (144)
        me? You are kidding ! hahaha - Outlooker 01/07/09 (195)
          別忘記我還說你的認識深刻,或者,注意或者。  /無內容 - 邏輯 01/07/09 (177)
            你能明白他的“意識流”嗎?整個一個沒邏輯,狗屁不通  /無內容 - 笪緱 01/07/09 (146)
            thanks a lot, hahahahahahahaha - Outlooker 01/07/09 (184)
              哈哈,大家樂樂不錯是吧,哈哈!  /無內容 - 邏輯 01/07/09 (147)
              funny guy, 不錯啊  /無內容 - 邏輯 01/07/09 (129)
              But he was really serious!  /無內容 - 笪緱 01/07/09 (128)
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