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Conceptually wrong
送交者: OnePlusOneIsTwo 2016月02月26日15:09:26 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 芨芨草:也谈引力波芨芨草 于 2016-02-24 19:40:47
Relativity, at least, is conceptually wrong. Space is a containment, time is a measurement of state,  independent from space. There is no space-time relationship. That space is curved really means that the fields in the space are curved, not space itself. Electric magnetic wave travels in the field is curved, not straight as in Euclidean space. Fields in space shall not be considered as part of the space. 

Since Lobachevskian initiated hyperbolic space, geometry space is not just Euclidean mathematically. Space can have curvature. So it is used for modeling fields in the space. The electric magnetic wave travels in "straight lines" in the curved space. But that space is ONLY mathematical. Physically they are fields. For example, your computer screen is a potion of space. On the left, there is a mass, which creates a gravitational field, on the right there is a magnesium, which creates a magnetic field. A neutron passes your screen space, it deflected by the gravitational field, not magnetic field. An electron is deflected by the magnetic field. They are not deflected in the same curvature, because they are two different fields. If you say the space is curved, it shall be the samed curvature for all the objects in that space. If so, the curvature is a property of the space. It simply not the case. So to define space-time relationship is simply wrong concept. But it can be mathematical, and only mathematical. 

We don't even know what exactly is the gravity, and to conclude that that is gravitational wave is premature.  

  哈哈,看了这些天引力波,就看懂了这个回帖。 /无内容 - 道还 02/28/16 (1187)
    期待后续。按这个说法,空间是什么性质呢?  /无内容 - 道还 02/28/16 (1157)
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