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Excuse my ignorance
送交者: 空军大院 2009月02月09日11:35:45 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: He got a point this time?言真轻 于 2009-02-09 11:17:51
since you brought up the notions of 识字率和文盲率, are you saying that it is possible that one has a high level of 识字率 but cannot read? can you specify the difference of the two concepts? I got confused here. It seems to me that if one knows enough words then he or she definitely can read, am I right? What else can you do with a lot of words known but cannot use them to read? Please clarify.
  There is huge difference - 言真轻 02/09/09 (228)
    You remind me of someone I met - 空军大院 02/09/09 (197)
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