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I have published a paperon ..
送交者: c_y_lo 2016月07月10日20:45:48 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Do you have any supporters or wtxwtx 于 2016-07-09 09:43:00

My work will enrich Einstein's thoery because it is developed from his work.

Einstein's work is half right because it agrees with experiments, and also half wrong because it is against by experiments. What is wrong in current theory is that many make claims with out the support of experiments. Moreover, they make claims based on wrong mathematical results because most physicists do not understand pure mathematics. In fact. none of the editors of APS has a background in pure mathematics.

What you mentioned on the attitude of famous journals is essentially irrelevent because they all make serious mistakes in mathematics. because they do not undertand mathematics and general relativity. Now, they no longer can ignore their errors because the experiments are against their claims.

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