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i don't have Chinese software
送交者: 空军大院 2009月02月15日15:14:19 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 建议你先复习一下集合论之后再回来讨论。定理 于 2009-02-15 14:15:02
any more so i have to answer you in english. i don't have the slightest intention to answer your questions in a joking way. pls don't get me wrong. i just want to let you be on the same page with me on the "白马非马" story. So you raised the set theory, OK. I got you better this time. Let's then go back to your original question, why you believe that 公理 can be used in Geometry not in theology discussion?
  I never said that axiomatic - 定理 02/15/09 (274)
    Let me clarify - 空军大院 02/16/09 (224)
      A proof is meaningless unless - 定理 02/16/09 (238)
        well, hold on to your - 空军大院 02/17/09 (181)
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