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送交者: 拙文君 2017月01月10日11:47:05 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你自己不还是在用汉字吗,有本事写一篇不用汉字文章做范例。只要仙遊野人 于 2017-01-09 18:34:00

Actually my daily working language is English in my job. So, I do have chances to make the comarison with both languages I am using and it helps me to understand why Hanzi is so troublesome. But that is not my original point of the article on top. My point is that Smog in China is caused by the current social system that has no negtive balancing mechanism to correct mistankes on its path and similar situations happened before in 1958 and 1966. 

Why can't Chinese learn something from their terrible experiences in the past? I figured it is becasue Hanzi. It is so hard to learn and to use. It leaves the majority population behind in illiteracy. It does not help Chinese to think things systematically and logically. That is the real problem we all have to face now. China has a long histroy that is over 2000 years. What made China so backwaard in the late Qing Dynasty? All the cultuary traditions did not help us to develop a self sustainable nation. If we keep doing the same things over and over again, we will have to face the same results!    

    Forgot to do spelling check! - 拙文君 01/10/17 (731)
      你很认真,好事,鼓励你多给大家的中文找错! - 拙文君 01/10/17 (722)
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