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Very good!
送交者: 空军大院 2009月03月10日14:35:20 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 言真轻: 外行闲聊爱因斯坦的相对论言真轻 于 2009-03-10 13:10:44
can you say where you got this idea?


I sense that this is correct but I want more proof. To me this shows exactly how the human cognitive process evolved: first from the side of "Empiricism", later from side of "metaphysics".

2 the above, if correct, implies that Einstein's general relativity is NOT something "accidental", which might get overthrown someday as you mentioned, because it is a more generic system which made the Newtonian physics as a early example in the history of physics. In this sense, the general relativity theory will only get improved but not replaced.

my 2 cents
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