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my two cents
送交者: xian0712 2009月04月14日13:39:06 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 空军大院: 再谈科学,哲学和宗教的关系空军大院 于 2009-04-14 08:32:41
“As a man think, so is he,” is really most profound. To understand where we are in today’s world—in our intellectual ideas and in our cultural and political lives – we must trace three lines in history, namely, the philosophic, the scientific, and the religious. The philosophic seeks intellectual answers to the basic questions of life. The scientific has two parts: first, the makeup of the physical universe and then the practical application of what it discovers in technology. The direction in which science will move is set by the philosophic world view of the scientists. People’s religious views also determine the direction of their individual lives and of their society.
  so the point is......? /无内容 - stinger 04/14/09 (262)
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