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在今天,雖然達爾文與進化論近乎同義詞,但最早提出生物進化論的人卻是拉馬克(Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, 1744-1829),他的《動物學哲學》(Philosophie Zoologique)一書比達爾文的《物種起源》早了整整半個世紀。1844年,也就是在《物種起源》出版之前15年,英國出版了一本暢銷書,題為《自然創造史的遺蹟》(Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation),其生物進化思想就是來自拉馬克。【1】據達爾文自己說,英國十九世紀最著名的地質學家萊爾(Charles Lyell, 1797-1875)曾一再說他的進化論是對拉馬克學說的“修訂”【2】雖然達爾文的英國鬥犬赫胥黎(Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825-1895)對拉馬克頗為不屑,但他也不得不承認,達爾文的祖父是最早宣傳拉馬克學說之人。【3】而達爾文的德國鬥犬海克爾(Ernst Haeckel, 1834-1919)則對拉馬克推崇備至,不僅說他遠比有“古生物學之父”之稱的居維葉(Georges Cuvier, 1769-1832)偉大,而且還說他是進化論的真正奠基人。【4】這是海克爾對拉馬克人類進化理論的總結:




不言而喻,海克爾本人也堅信“直立惟先”理論——古爾德就說他是“直立惟先”的領軍人物。【6】實際上,在達爾文開始研究人類進化問題之前,海克爾就已經指出了一條完整的人類進化路線:半猿(semi-apes)、類人猿(man-like apes)、類猿人(ape-like men)、人(men);而從類猿人到人的轉化的關鍵一步就是“直立”。【7


海克爾的著作影響非常大。據古爾德說,恩格斯的人類進化學說就是來自海克爾。【8】達爾文本人則說,如果海克爾的《自然創造史》一書早一點被譯成英文的話,他本人可能就不會撰寫《人類的由來》一書了。【9】最不可思議的是,在海克爾的“人類的故鄉在亞洲”的學說指引下,荷蘭解剖學家杜巴斯(Eugène Dubois, 1858-1940)真的辭去了他在阿姆斯特丹大學的教職,只身前往荷蘭在亞洲的殖民地印度尼西亞,結果真的發現了著名的“爪哇人”。【10












奧斯本所說的蒙羅(Robert Munro, 1835-1920)是蘇格蘭著名考古學家,也是愛丁堡皇家學會會員、不列顛人類學會主席。1893年,蒙羅在不列顛科學協會63屆年會上為人類學會做了一個主席講演(Presidential Address),其題目就是《論人類直立姿勢與身體及智力發展的關係》,其中所講的主要內容就是直立對人類進化的直接與間接的促進作用。【15】四年後,因為“爪哇人”的發現,蒙羅在一篇文章中再次詳細論述“直立行走”發生在大腦高度發育之前。【16


同一年,在不列顛學會的年會上,愛丁堡大學解剖學家、不列顛人類學會主席特納(William Turner, 1832-1916)在其主席講演中,也一再強調直立姿勢對於大腦發育及其功能發揮的作用;他甚至認為,一個動物如果不是直立的話,那麼一顆高度發達的大腦對它幾乎沒有什麼用處。【17】難怪古爾德會說,當杜巴斯在十九世紀九十年代研究爪哇人化石時,他堅信的理論就是人的直立行走先於大腦高度發育,而這個理論在當時是“已經流行的”。【18


事實是,直到1920年,劍橋大學人類學家奎金(Alison Hingston Quiggin, 1874-1971)和哈登(Alfred Cort Haddon, 1855-1940)仍在一本書中說,“直立惟先”是當時“流行的觀點”,而認為“大腦惟先”理論只有胚胎學證據。【19】這與史密斯本人在1916年抱怨自己的理論不受時人待見(見正文),可以說是互為印證。




如上所述,史密斯“大腦惟先”理論的出籠時機極為微妙:恰在皮爾當人出土之後、問世之前那個狹窄的間隙,因此它極可能是為了皮爾當人這個“怪物”的問世而特意炮製的。按照古爾德的說法,最早提出“大腦惟先”理論之人是德國胚胎學家貝爾(Karl Ernst von Baer),因為他在1828年曾說過這樣的話:




古爾德沒有提到的是,“大腦惟先”理論的變種、影響更大的“大腦決定論”,在十九世紀中葉就已經被駁得體無完膚了。原來,從1857年起,英國著名解剖學家歐文(Richard Owen,1804-1892)提出了這樣一個主張:猿類和人類的主要區別就在於大腦的不同:人類的大腦不僅體積大,而且在結構上與猿類的大腦也有區別;例如,在人類大腦中,存在一個“海馬小體”(hippocampus minor,又名calcar avis,禽距),而在猿類的大腦中,這個組織並不存在。在1860年到1862年間,赫胥黎與歐文展開了一系列論戰,最終赫胥黎大獲全勝。【21】而蘭鐸認為,史密斯在半個世紀後提出“大腦惟先”理論,就是在給歐文揚幡招魂。【22】蘭鐸還說,史密斯對大腦發育的重要性是如此看重,以致給人一種人類祖先只有腦袋而沒有身體的印象。【23






與蒙羅和哈登一樣,牛津大學地質與古生物學教授、皇家學會會員威廉·梭雷斯 William Johnson Sollas, 1849-1936)也信奉“直立惟先”觀點。1910年,在英國地質學會的“主席年度演講”中,梭雷斯明確地講述了他關於人類進化過程的觀點:






















“皮爾當集團”中的另一位大牌科學家就是英國皇家學會會員、在1898-1907年間擔任大英自然歷史博物館館長的蘭克斯特爵士(Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, 1847-1929),他也是首次把海克爾的《自然創造史》譯成英文之人。這是他在1915年說的話:








那麼,上面提到的那幾個不相信“大腦惟先”的人,到底是因為什麼相信皮爾當人這樣的怪物是人類的祖先呢?原來,在十九世紀末,一個與道森相似、名叫哈里森(Benjamin Harrison, 1837-1921)的 “業餘考古學家”(正式職業是副食店老闆)在英國發現了一類石頭,它們貌似原始人類打造的“舊石器”。哈里森的發現,得到了英國著名地質學家、皇家學會會員普萊斯特維奇 Joseph Prestwich, 1812-1896)的認可【39】,它們也隨之被稱為“曙石”(eolithsdawn stones)。1902,大英自然歷史博物館將“曙石”列入了自己的“石器時代的文物”展覽,這相當於它得到了官方的認可。【40】而在當時,這家博物館的館長就是蘭卡斯特,但真正的幕後推手卻是該博物館地質部主任伍德沃德。【41


由於當時有人質疑曙石的真實性,即認為它們是天然的產品,而非人造的石器,於是一個名叫莫伊爾(J. Reid Moir, 1879-1944)、生活在英國東部小鎮伊普斯威奇(Ipswich)的裁縫店小老闆挺身而出,投身到考古事業中,並且成就斐然——他竟然因此在1937年被選為英國皇家學會的會員。【42】簡言之,莫伊爾不僅發現了大量的上新世或中新世(Pliocene-Miocene)的曙石,他還發現了冰河期的現代人類骨架(Ipswich Man or Ipswich Skeleton)——這個發現,讓紀斯相信,現代人類在上新世就已經出現。【43】也就是說,莫伊爾的這些發現,不僅為皮爾當人的出現鋪平了道路,而且還把所謂的“皮爾當集團”的兩大主力,即紀斯和蘭卡斯特,都拉上了戰車。據莫伊爾說,蘭卡斯特在得知“曙人”消息之後,曾這樣說道:這看上去就是那些製造了曙石的上新世人類!【44】從某種意義上說,力挺皮爾當人的三員大將:伍德沃德、紀斯、蘭卡斯特,都是因為相信曙石而相信曙人的——據說道森本人也是曙石的愛好者。【45】這也是道森和伍德沃德那篇原始論文的標題一定要加上“在含有石器的礫石坑中”(in Flint-Bearing Gravel)這個狀語的根本原因。


























其實,儘管史密斯在1912年以後竭力宣傳其“大腦惟先”理論,但其影響在當時相當有限,而它對於皮爾當人化石的接受與否,充其量只起了一點兒輔助作用。1915年,美國史密森尼學會(Smithsonian Institution)的哺乳動物專家格里特·史密斯·米勒(Gerrit Smith Miller Jr.,1869-1956)撰寫了一篇長文,其核心內容就是論證皮爾當人化石中,那個下頜骨根本就不是人類的,而是黑猩猩的。【62】在這篇文章中,米勒將當時那些認為皮爾當化石中顱骨與下頜骨來自同一個人的理由進行了總結,它們主要來自三個方面:第一,古動物學;第二,地質學;第三,解剖學。也就是說,在當時,史密斯的理論根本就沒能成為人們相信皮爾當人的理由或根據。


到了1916年,一位叫萊恩(W. Courtney Lyne)的英國牙科醫生——即前面提到的那位在1925年透露說,他九年前曾建議“皮爾當集團”對皮爾當人化石進行顯微檢測的那個人——對德日進發現的那顆犬齒進行了仔細的研究,認為它與那個下頜骨根本就不可能來自同一個動物。【63】而在兩年前,史密斯曾在曼徹斯特文學與哲學學會上宣布,當時皮爾當爭端的要點有五,其中有兩個與下頜骨有關;而德日進的發現使下頜骨的重建問題不復存在,意即徹底解決。【64】也就是說,萊恩的研究,幾乎將史密斯的勝利宣言一把撕碎。而伍德沃德在為自己辯護時,引用的理由之一就是,如果把這些化石碎片歸於同一個個體,那就能夠滿足史密斯在1912年做出的“預測”。【65】但弔詭的是,史密斯本人在答辯之時,卻絕口不提自己的“大腦惟先”理論——他實際上連大腦這個詞都沒提——,而是重複伍德沃德早前的“概率”理論,即三個來自不同年代的不同生物,死於相同地點的概率微乎其微。他的另一個理由則是地質學的:“把一個迄今未知的更新世時期的猿猴帶入英格蘭,會顛覆古生物學的理論。”【66 為什麼史密斯在為皮爾當人辯護時,不敢提及自己的理論呢?因為萊恩在陳述自己的證據之時,已經用他的話把他的嘴堵了個嚴嚴實實。原來,兩年前,在與紀斯的辯論中,史密斯曾這樣說道:
























其實,最具諷刺意味的是,連參與了皮爾當人發掘工作並且做出了“重大貢獻”的法國耶穌會教士德日進(Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, 1881-1955)也不相信“大腦惟先”理論——這是他在其名著《人類現象》(Le Phénomène Humain)一書(作於1938-1940年間)中說的話:






前面提到,在1921年前後,英、美兩國的權威人士和權威刊物先後以不同的理由宣布關於皮爾當人的爭端已經解決。但那其實只是他們在自說自話。據美國專門研究皮爾當人騙局的人類學家斯潘瑟(Frank Spencer, 1941-1999)後來說,儘管“皮爾當人II”對強化伍德沃德的立場有所幫助,但它遠沒有能夠使科學界達成共識。【78】確實,不僅美國人米勒一直沒有改變自己的看法【79】;連曾到英國親眼觀察過那些化石的捷克裔人類學家、美國國家博物館體質人類學部主任赫德利希卡Aleš Hrdlička, 1869-1943)也不相信,說“在長時間觀察下頜骨和顱骨之後,作者的強烈印象仍舊是,它們不大可能屬於同一人,如果確實屬於同一個人的話,則它完全是一個例外”【80


1921年,法國著名古生物學家馬塞林·蒲勒 Marcellin Boule, 1861-1942)的《人類化石》一書出版,在其中他明確表示,皮爾當人下頜骨來自黑猩猩。【81】實際上,早在1915年蒲勒就對英國人對皮爾當人的鑑定表示過“懷疑”【82】;而他的觀點是那麼的重要,連《自然》雜誌都要對之做“筆記”【83】。有趣的是,德日進早在1913年就在私下說,蒲勒對英國人的“發現”一直懷有戒心。【84】也就是說,英國人的學術聲譽和信譽在國際上有相當大的折扣。更有趣的是,據說蒲勒也認為大腦在人類進化過程中起決定性的作用。【85】也就是說,是否相信“大腦惟先”理論,與是否相信皮爾當人是否為真,既沒有必然的聯繫,更不存在因果關係。


除了美國人和法國人之外,意大利人類學家溫琴佐·祖弗里達-魯傑里(Vincenzo Giuffrida-Ruggeri, 1872-1921)【86法比奧·弗雷塞托(Fabio Frassetto, 1876-1953)【87】;德國人類學家古斯塔夫·施瓦爾貝(Gustav Albert Schwalbe, 1844-1916)【88】、解剖學家亨氏·弗里德里希斯(Heinz F. Friederichs)【89】、人類學家魏敦瑞(Franz Weidenreich, 1873-1948)【90】也不相信那個下頜骨與顱骨來自同一個生物。實際上,到了後來,魏敦瑞連皮爾當人的頭骨的原始性都不相信了,認為它就是現代人的頭骨。【91



1934年出版的《中國古生物志丁種第七號》是德國古生物學家魏敦瑞的專著《中國猿人之下顎》,其中有對皮爾當人化石的分析,魏敦瑞的結論就是:“辟爾當猿人之下顎,必須在不論之列,因其所有形態上性質,均如猿類下顎;其最近之關係,為一女性猩猩之下顎。”【92】魏敦瑞的結論,對美國著名人類學家虎敦的影響很大,他在1946年出版的《起於猿類》(Up from the Apes)的第二版中,為皮爾當人辯護的調門較15年前的初版降低了至少一個八度。後來,據《紐約時報》報道,魏敦瑞曾這樣教訓英國佬:“在體積和形狀方面,腦殼與下頜之間有嚴格的相關:前者越大,後者越小。這個規律在所有已知的類人猿和人科動物都被被遵守,只有皮爾當人與之對抗。”【93












實際上,最早對皮爾當人提出質疑的科學家是英國倫敦大學解剖學教授戴維·沃特斯頓 David Waterston, 1871-1942),他在1913年就致信《自然》雜誌,根據X射線檢測的結果,斷言其下頜骨來自黑猩猩;而將它與顱骨歸之於一人,就像是把黑猩猩的腳與人的腿連在一起一樣。【97】皮爾當人騙局暴露之後,《自然》雜誌曾為自己表功說,他們在1913年就發表了沃特斯頓的來信;而在那篇類似社論的文章的結尾,《自然》寫道:










1Schwartz, J. S. 1990. Darwin, Wallace, and Huxley, and "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation." Journal of the History of Biology 23(1):127-153.


2“Lastly you refer repeatedly to my view as a modification of Lamarck’s doctrine of development and progression,”見:Darwin, C. The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Vol. 11,1863. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1999. p.222.


3“Erasmus Darwin first promulgated Lamarck's fundamental conceptions,”見:Huxley, T. H. 1887. On The Reception of The 'Origin Of Species'. In: Darwin, F. (ed.) The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin. New York, NY: D. Appleton & Co., 1898. pp.533-558.


4“far greater than Cuvier in the vastness of his speculations and his conception of Nature,” “Lamarck is the real founder of the theory of evolution.”見:Haeckel, E. The Evolution of Man: A Popular Scientific Study. Vol. I. Translated by Joseph McCabe. New York, NY: G. P. Putnam’ Sons, 1905. p.68, 69.


5“Lamarck tried to explain the descent of man from the ape chiefly by advance in the habits of the ape, and by a progressive development and use of its organs and the transmission to posterity of the modifications thus produced. He considered the most important of these improvements to be man's erect attitude, the modification of the hands and feet, and the acquisition of speech and accompanying development of the brain.”見:Haeckel, E. The Evolution of Man: A Popular Scientific Study. Vol. I. Translated by Joseph McCabe. New York, NY: G. P. Putnam’ Sons, 1905. p.70.


6“the champion of the upright posture during the nineteenth century was Darwin’s German bulldog Ernst Haeckel.”見:Gould, S. J. 1975. Posture Maketh the Man. Natural History 84(9):38-40, 44.


7】“They originated out of the Man-like Apes, or Anthropoides, by becoming completely habituated to an upright walk, and by the corresponding stronger differentiation of both pairs of legs.”見:Haeckel, E. The History of Creation: Or the Development of the Earth and Its Inhabitants. Translated by E. R. Lankester. London, UK: Henry S. King & Co., 1876. p.293.(註:該書原本為德文,書名是Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte1868在柏林首次出版。)


8Gould, S. J. 1975. Posture Maketh the Man. Natural History 84(9):38-40, 44.


9“If this work had appeared before my essay had been written, I should probably never have completed it.”見:Darwin, C. The Descent of Man. New York, NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1871. pp.4-5.


10Shipman, P. The Man who Found the Missing Link: Eugène Dubois and His Lifelong Quest to Prove Darwin Right. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 2001.


11】見:達爾文著,潘光旦、胡壽文譯:《人類的由來》,商務印書館1983年版70頁。這段話的英文原文是:“As the progenitors of man became more and more erect, with their hands and arms more and more modified for prehension and other purposes, with their feet and legs at the same time transformed for firm support and progression, endless other changes of structure would have become necessary. The pelvis would have to be broadened, the spine peculiarly curved, and the head fixed in an altered position, all which changes have been attained by man.”見:Charles Darwin, C. The Descent of Man. New York, NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1871. p.137.


12“Darwin seems to assume that the increased use of tools would have encouraged the growth of intelligence.”見:Bowler, P. J. Theories of Human Evolution : A Century of Debate, 1844-1944. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986. p.158.


13Landau, M. Narratives of Human Evolution. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1993. p.6.註:美國著名學者愛德華·拉森(Edward J. Larson, 1953-)也持相同看法。見:Larson, E. J. Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory. New York, NY: Modern Library, 2004. p.98.


14“Discussion as to how the ancestors of man were fashioned has chiefly dealt with the rival claims of four lines of structural evolution: first, the assumption of the erect attitude; second, the development of the opposable thumb; third, the growth of the brain; and fourth, the acquisition of the power of speech. The argument for the erect attitude suggested by Lamarck, and ably put by Munro in 1893, indicates that the cultivation of skill with, the hands and fingers lies at the root of man’s mental supremacy. Elliot Smith’s argument that the steady growth and specialization of the brain itself has been the chief factor in leading the ancestors of man step by step upward indicates that such an advance as the erect attitude was brought about because the brain had made possible the skilled movements of the hands.”見:Osborn, H. F. Men of the Old Stone Age: Their Environment, Life, and Art. New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1915. pp.58-59.


15“the direct and collateral advantages which the erect position has conferred on him.”見:Munro, R. 1893. Opening Address by Robert Munro, M. A., M. D., F. R. S. E., President of the Section. Nature 48(1247):503-508; Munro, R. On the Relation between the Erect Posture and the Physical and Intellectual Development of Man. Report of the 63rd Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Held at Nottingham at September 1893. London, UK: John Murry, 1894. pp.885-895.


16Munro, R. 1897. Abstract of Paper “On the Intermediary Links between Man and the Lower Animals.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 21:249-250; Munro, R. Prehistoric Problems: A Selection of Essays on the Evolution of Man and Other Controverted Problems in Anthropology and Archæology. London, UK: William Blackwood and Sons, 1897. pp.165-187.


17“If we could imagine a fish, a reptile, or a quadruped to be provided with as highly developed a brain as man possesses, the horizontal attitude of these animals would effectually impede its full and proper use, so that it would be of but little advantage to them.”見:Turner, W. 1897. An Address on Some Distinctive Characters of Human Structure. British Medical Journal 2(1912):450–453; Turner, W. 1897. Some Distinctive Characters of Human Structure. Scientific American Supplement 44(1135):18148–18149.


18“in short, an excellent missing link on the theory, already popular in Dubois's time and now well established, that upright posture preceded, and may have triggered, the enlargement of the human brain.”見:Gould, S. J. 1990. Men of the Thirty-third Division. Natural History 90(4):12-24.


19“the popular view,”“The conjunction of pre-human braincase with human thighbone appeared to favour the popular view that the erect attitude was the earlier, but the evidence of embryology suggests a reverse order.”見:Keane, A. H. Man: Past And Present. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1920. p.3. 註:此書初版時間是1900年,其中沒有上引文字;該書作者基恩(Augustus Henry Keane)在 1912年去世。該書1920年版經過奎金和哈登修訂(Revised and largely re-written)。


20“Karl Ernst von Baer, the greatest embryologist of the nineteenth century (and second only to Darwin in my personal pantheon of scientific heroes) wrote in 1828: “Upright posture is only the consequence of the higher development of the brain…all differences between men and other animals depend upon construction of the brain.” 見:Gould, S. J. 1979. Piltdown Revisited. Natural History 88(3):86-97.


21Gross, C. G. 1993. Hippocampus Minor and Man's Place in Nature: A Case Study in the Social Construction of Neuroanatomy. Hippocampus 3(4):403–416; Wilson, L. G. 1996. The Gorilla and the Question of Human Origins: The Brain Controversy. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 51(2):184-207.


22“Elliot Smith's aim is to rehabilitate the view, thrown into disrepute by the Owen-Huxley debate, that the brain is the primary factor in human evolution.”見:Landau, M. Narratives of Human Evolution. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1993. p.107.


23“Elliot Smith, on the other hand, emphasizes the development of the brain to such an extent that he almost gives the impression that our ancestors had heads but not bodies.”出處同上,p.7.


24Munro, R. Palaeolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe. New York, NY: Macmillan Co. 1912.


25“If the erect attitude is to explain all, why did not the gibbon become a man in Miocene times?”見:Smith, G. E. Presidential Address. Report of the 82nd Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Dundee, 1912, September 4-11. London, UK: John Murray, 1913. pp.575-598.


26Munro, R. Prehistoric Britain. London, UK: Williams and Norgate, 1913. pp.52-55, 68-74.


27“Thus two very characieristic human traits, the erect posture and the hand, have influenced the skull.”見: Haddon, A. C. The Study of Man.  London, UK: John Murray, 1898. p.60.


28“a discovery of the greatest importance,”“It is the nearest approach we have yet reached to a ‘missing link,’”見:Haddon, A.C. 1913, Eoanthropus Dawsoni, Science 37 (942):91–92.


29“Given a strong ape-like animal with social instincts wresting his sustenance from the wild beasts of the plains, and the evolutional path to Man lies open. The erect attitude, the dexterous hand, and the enhanced intelligence are not inconsistent with the possession of brute force and brutal characters; but, once acquired, they render possible another acquisition and this of tremendous import. A pointed stick and the notion of using it to thrust, and we have the primitive spear. Once armed with this the necessity for natural weapons vanishes. The massive jaws and fighting teeth can now be dispensed with, and may safely undergo a regressive development with adaptation to purely alimentary functions.”見:Sollas, W. 1910. The Anniversary Address of the President. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 66(262):xlviii-lxxxviii.


30“It had, indeed, been long previously anticipated as an almost necessary stage in the course of human development.”見:Sollas, W. J. Ancient Hunters and Their Modern Representatives. London: MacMillan, 1915. pp.54-55.


31“The modern human posture was attained long before the human brain reached its modern size.”見:Keith, A. Ancient Types of Man. London: Harper & Brothers, 1911. p.135.


32“Thus, in the body of man there are certain features which are new, some not so new, some old and others older still. His large brain appears to be his latest acquisition; his foot, leg, and plantigrade gait is older, his size of body older still, and his erect posture quite an ancient character-one which probably dates from the beginning of the Miocene period.”見:Keith, A. The Human Body. London: Williams and Norgate, 1912. p.78.


33】“He confronts the alternative view, held by Keith among others, that bipedalism led the way in human evolution.”見:Landau, M. Narratives of Human Evolution. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1993. p.107.


34“Ever since Darwin impressed the truth of his theory of man's origin on his fellow scientists, we have expected to encounter man's progenitors, but no one, as far as I know, ever anticipated the discovery of one showing the remarkable mixture of simian and human characters such a one as Mr. Dawson brought to light at Piltdown.”見:Keith, A. The Antiquity of Man. London: Williams and Norgate, 1915. p.336.


35】“He rightly foresaw that before the anthropoid characters would disappear from the body of primal man, the brain, the master organ of the human body, must first have come into its human estate.”見:Keith, A. The Antiquity of Man. London: Williams and Norgate, 1915. p.434.註:紀斯(Arthur Keith, 1866-1955)當時除了擔任英國皇家外科醫師學會 The Royal College of Surgeons of England)博物館的館長(Conservator)之外,1913年還成為英國皇家學會會員,並且擔任皇家人類學會的主席,1921年被封爵,其地位相當顯赫。(見:Clark, W. E. Le Gros. 1955. Sir Arthur Keith, F.R.S.. Nature 175(4448):192-193.)所以古爾德說他與伍德沃德和史密斯是英國人類學及古生物學的三個領軍人物(the three leading lights of British anthropology and paleontology)(見:Gould, S. J. 1979. Piltdown Revisited. Natural History 88(3):86-97);也有人說這三個人是當時英國古生物學或人類學的三巨頭(triumvirate)之一(見:Reader, J. Missing Links: The Hunt for Earliest Man. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Company, 1981. p.54)。


36“I think we are justified in taking the large opposable thumb and fingers as the starting-point in man's emergence from the ape stage of his ancestry. The exploring hand, with its thumb and forefinger, is the great instrument by which the intelligence, first of the monkey and then of man, has been developed.”見:Lankester, E. R. From Ape to Man. In: Diversions of a Naturalist. Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1915. pp.236-244.


37Lankester, E. R. Diversions of a Naturalist. London: The Macmillian Company, 1915. p.284, 291.


38Lankester, E. R. Letter to G. S. Miller. Dec. 27, 1915. 見:Spencer, F. The Piltdown Papers, 1908-1955: The Correspondence and Other Documents Relating to the Piltdown Forgery. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1990. pp.135-136.


39Prestwich J., 1889. On the Occurrence of Palaeolithic Flint Implements in Neighbourhood of Ightham, Kent. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society London, 45: 270-297.


40British Museum. A Guide to the Antiquities of the Stone Age in the Department of British and Mediæval Antiquities. 1902. p.48.


41Spencer F. 1988. Prologue to a Scientific Forgery: The British Eolithic Movement from Abbeville to Piltdown. In: Bones, Bodies, Behavior: Essays on Biological Anthropology. Ed. by Stocking G.W.  Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1988. pp.84-116.


42Burkitt, M. C. 1944. Mr. J. Reid Moir, F.R.S. Nature 153(3882):368-368.


43Moir, J. R. and Keith, A. 1912.  An Account of the Discovery and Characters of a Human Skeleton Found Beneath a Stratum of Chalky Boulder Clay Near Ipswich. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 42(2):345-379; Keith, A. 1944. James Reid Moir. 1879-1944. Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 4(13):733-745.


44It seems quite possible that it is our Pliocene Man-the maker of rostro-carinate flints!見:Moir, J. R. Prehistoric archaeology and Sir Ray Lankester. Ipswich, UK: N. Adlard & Co., 1935. p.108.


45Hammond, M. 1979 A Framework of Plausibility for an Anthropological Forgery: The Piltdown Case. Anthropology 3(1/2):47-58.


46Sollas, W.J. Ancient Hunters: And Their Modern Representatives.1st ed., London: Macmillan, 1911. p.67.


47Sollas W.J. Ancient Hunters: And Their Modern Representatives.2nd ed., London: Macmillan, 1915. pp.85-86.


48Sollas, W. J. 1920. A Flaked Flint from the Red Crag. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia 3(2):261–267; Sollas, W.J. Ancient Hunters: And Their Modern Representatives. 3rd ed. London: Macmillan, 1924. pp.104-106.


49“We have looked for creatures with an overgrown brain and ape-like face, but hitherto without real success.”見:Woodward, A. S. 1913. Missing links among Extinct Animals. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 83:783–787.


50Reader, J. Missing Links: The Hunt for Earliest Man. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Company, 1981. p.57.


51Dean, C., De Groote, I., and Stringer, C. 2016. Arthur Smith Woodward and His Involvement in the Study of Human Evolution. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 430(1):321-335.


52“I shall never forget the angry look he gave me.”見:Keith, A. An Autobiography. London: Watts, 1950. p.327.


53“he had no special knowledge of the human body.”見:Keith, A. An Autobiography. London: Watts, 1950. p.323.


54Dawson, C. and Woodward, A. S. 1913. On the Discovery of a Palæolithic Human Skull and Mandible in Flint-Bearing Gravel Overlying the Wealden (Hastings Beds) at Piltdown, Fletching (Sussex). Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 69(273):117-144.


55“microcephalic and somewhat simian.”見:Clark, W. E. Le Gros. 1955. Sir Arthur Keith, F.R.S.. Nature 175(4448):192–193.


56Keith, A. 1915. The Piltdown Skull and Brain Cast. Nature 92(2294):197-199.


57Woodward, A. S. A Guide to the Fossil Remains of Man in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum. 1915.


58“The most controversial subject relating to the Piltdown Man is that concerning his brain size. Was it a small brain-case, intermediate, or even of a larger type? ‘Unfortunately, several pieces of the skull, of critical importance, are missing from the middle of the skull top,’ says Dr. Gregory. ‘This has made possible markedly different opinions of experts. If the pieces of the skull are placed close together the brain would be a very small one, estimated at about 1,070 cubic centimeters. If these same pieces are tilted upward and moved farther apart, the brain capacity would be as large as that of modern man, nearly 1,500 cubic centimeters . The revised estimates of Elliot Smith and others' place the brain size somewhat below 1,300 cubic centimeters.”見:Our earliest Ancestor——The Dawn Man: An authorized interview by Hugh Weir with Henry Fairfield Osborn and William King Gregory. McClure's Magazine 55(1):19-28.


59Woodward, A. S. 1942. Mr. W. P. Pycraft. Nature 149(3786):575.


60After the task of restoring the skull was completed, a cast was made of the brain-cavity, and this was submitted to Professor Elliot Smith, our greatest authority on the human brain. He finds that while the brain of the Sussex Man resembles in many particulars that of the men of the Palaeolithic Age, it is the most primitive and most ape-like human brain so far discovered.”見:Pycraft, W. P. 1913. Britain's Oldest Inhabitant. The Illustrated London News 142(3865):678.


61“There may be some who still question whether this skull and jaw belong to the same individual. But the jaw is obviously of the lowest type yet found, containing human teeth, and thus absolutely agrees with Professor Elliot Smith's verdict in regard to the brain, which, he says, is, though human, of the lowest type yet seen.”見:Pycraft, W. P. 1913. Ape-Man or Modern Man? The Two Piltdown Skull Reconstructions. The Illustrated London News 143(3883):444.


62Miller, G. S. 1915. The Jaw of the Piltdown Man. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 65(12):1-36.


63“they could not be the property of one and the same individual.”  見:Lyne, W. C. 1916. The Significance of the Radiographs of the Piltdown Teeth. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 9(Odontological Section): 33–51.


64“The reconstruction of the jaw and teeth has now been practically settled once for all by the subsequent discovery of the canine tooth.”見:Anonymous. 1913. Societies and Academies. Nature 92(2303):467-469.


65“We must also remember that, if we put these remains together, we realize the prediction which was made, on other grounds, by Professor Elliot Smith at the Dundee meeting of the British Association just before the Piltdown discovery.” 見:Woodward, A. S. 1916. Discussion. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 9(Odontological Section):52-55.


66“To bring a hitherto unknown ape into England in the Pleistocene period involves an upheaval of paleontological teaching.” 見:Smith, G. E. 1916. Discussion. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 9(Odontological Section):56-58.


67"It is the business of science relentlessly to scrutinize all the evidence it uses, and not to build up vast speculations from material that will not stand the most elementary tests of stability."見:Smith, G. E. 1914. The Significance of the Discovery at Piltdown. Bedrock: A Quarterly Journal of Scientific Thought 3(1): 1-17.


68“Elliot Smith goes on to note that he managed , with “much difficulty” to silence the “newspaper people;” “I told them (in Dublin ) that the Sussex man's brain was quite as extraordinary as his jaw and that it was quite inconceivable that two such remarkable individuals should have left their remains side by side in the same patch of gravel.”見:Spencer, F. The Piltdown Papers, 1908-1955: The Correspondence and Other Documents Relating to the Piltdown Forgery. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1990. p.66.


69】“I am disgusted with the lawyer - like , hectoring tactics which he adopts,”“imprudent and bombastic.”出處同上,pp.145-147.


70Pycraft, W. P. 1917. The Jaw of the Piltdown ManA Reply to Mr. Gerrit S. Miller. Science Progress 11(43):389-409.


71Smith, G. E. 1917. The Problem of the Piltdown Jaw: Human or Subhuman? Eugenics Review 9(2):167.


72“It appears from the limb proportions in the Neanderthal race that the partly erect attitude and walking gait were assumed much earlier in geologic time than we formerly imagined. The intimate relation between the use of the opposable thumb and the development of the higher mental faculties of man is sustained to-day by the discovery that one of the best methods of developing the mind of the child is to insist upon the constant use of the hands, for the action and reaction between hand and brain is found to develop the mind.”見:Osborn, H. F. Men of the Old Stone Age: Their Environment, Life and Art. New York, NY: C. Scribner's sons, 1915. pp.59-60.


73“While this distribution of human and ape-like character was unexpected and in a way unprecedented, the erect pose of the body, the freeing of the hands from locomotive functions, and the human development of the brain set the Piltdown Man quite definitely apart from any of the known living or fossil apes.”見:Our earliest Ancestor——The Dawn Man: An authorized interview by Hugh Weir with Henry Fairfield Osborn and William King Gregory. McClure's Magazine 55(1):19-28.








77】德日進:《人的現象》,譯林出版社2014年版127-128頁。註:這段譯文的法文原文是:“Finalement, c’est vrai, toute la métamorphose hominisante se ramène, du point de vue organique, à une question de meilleur cerveau. Mais comment ce perfectionnement cérébral se fût-il produit, — comment eût-il pu fonctionner ? — si toute une série d’autres conditions ne se fussent trouvées en même temps, juste ensemble, réalisées ?... Si l’être dont l’Homme est issu n’avait pas été bipède, ses mains ne se seraient pas trouvées libres à temps pour décharger les mâchoires de leur fonction préhensile, et par suite l’épais bandeau de muscles maxillaires qui emprisonnait le crâne ne se serait pas relâché : C’est grâce à la bipédie libérant les p.188 mains que le cerveau a pu grossir ;”見:Teilhard de Chardin, P.  Le Phénomène Humain. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1955. Pp.187-188.


78“Although the announcement of Piltdown II did much to strengthen Woodward's position, it did not by any means lead to a scientific consensus”)。見:Spencer, F. The Piltdown Papers, 1908-1955: The Correspondence and Other Documents Relating to the Piltdown Forgery. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1990. p.151.


79Miller, G. S., Jr. 1918. The Piltdown Jaw. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1(1):25-52; Miller, G. S. Jr. 1928. The Controversy over Human “Missing Links.” Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1928, pp.413–465.


80】“After prolonged handling of both the jaw and the skull there remained in the writer a strong impression that the two may not belong together, or that if they do the case is totally exceptional.”見:Hrdlička, A. 1922. The Piltdown Jaw. American Journal of Physical Anthropology  5(4):337-347。另見:Piltdown Papers, p.128, 181. 註:1923年以後,出於某種原因,赫德利希卡公開表示相信皮爾當人。見:Hrdlička, A. 1923. Dimensions of the First and Second Lower Molars with their Bearing on the Piltdown Jaw and on Man's Phylogeny. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 6(2):195-216.


81“Lorsque nous discuterons les pièces fossiles trouvées à Piltdown (Angleterre ) et attribuées à un Homme de type tout à fait primitif, l'Eoanthropus, nous verrons qu'il y a lieu de faire une importante distinction ; la mâchoire de l'Eoanthropus n'est qu'une mâchoire de Chimpanzé, que j'ai proposé de nommer Troglodytes Dawsoni et qu'un zoologiste américain veut appeler Pan vetus.”見:Boule, M. Les Hommes Fossiles : Éléments de Paléontologie Humaine. Paris: Masson, 1921. p.89.


82“Les documents de Piltdown sont malheureusement des documents incomplets. Leur interpretation est encoure douteuse sur des points essentiels. Ils constituent, malgré tout, une découvere des plus importantes et des plus instructives.”見:Boule, M. 1915. La Paléontologie humaine en Angleterre. L'Anthropologie 26:1–67.


83Anonymous. 1915. Notes. Nature 95(2382):457-462.


84“I am in the best position to have the opinion of Boule and Obermaier, who are not easily taken in, especially if the finds are English.”見:Teilhard de Chardin, P. Letter to F. Pelletier. Jan. 1, 1913.轉引自:Schmitz - Moorman , K . 1981. The Stephen Jay Gould Hoax and the Piltdown Conspiracy . The Teilhard Review 16(3): 7-15.


85“As might be expected, supporters of the monist interpretation of the Piltdown remains are seen to be advocates of the former viewpoint . The dualists on the other hand represent a high degree of theoretical heterogeneity . In some cases they are also seen to favour the notion of the pre-eminence of the brain in human evolution (e.g . Boule 1911-1913, 1921; Ramström 1921).”見:Spencer, F. The Piltdown Papers, 1908-1955: The Correspondence and Other Documents Relating to the Piltdown Forgery. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1990. p.153.


86】出處同上, p.151.


87】同上, p.189.




89】同上,p. 215.另見:Friederichs, H. F. 1932. Schädel und Unterkiefer von Piltdown (“Eaanthropus Dawsoni Woodward’’) in neuer Untersuchung. Nebst einem Vorwort von Franz Weidenreich, Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch 98(1/2):199-262.


90】魏敦瑞:《中國猿人之下顎》,《中國古生物志丁種》第七號第三冊,1936年,1-163頁;Weidenreich, F. 1936. The Mandibles of Sinanthropus pekinensis : A Comparative Study. Palaeontologia Sinica Series D, Vol. VII. 1-163; 魏敦瑞:《中國猿人之下顎——一個比較的研究》,《地質論評》19366712-716頁。


91“The torus region of the Piltdown Skull is, however, quite different. It resembles much more that of modern man as illustrated in Figure 10, the occipital torus being divided into a median and two lateral portions, these latter crescent-shaped, broad and rather flat but well demarcated from both occipital and nuchal plane.”見:Weidenreich, F. 1939. The Torus Occipitalis and Related Structures and Their Transformations in the Course of Human Evolution.《地質學報》19394479-559頁。




93“there was a strict correlation between the size and form of the brain case and the size and form of the jaws: the larger the former, the more reduced the latter. This rule holds good for all anthropoids and hominids so far as they are known today, The Piltdown Man alone would defy this law.”見:Anonymous. Experts Redfaced on Piltdown Hoax: German Paleontologists Said in ‘32 That Skull Was Modern and Jawbone an Ape's. New York Times, Nov. 23, 1953.








97“it would be to articulate a chimpanzee foot with the bones of an essentially human thigh and leg.”見:Waterson, D. 1913. The Piltdown Mandible . Nature 92(2298):319.


98“A similar view was expressed by Mr. G. Miller, jun., in the United States after systematic comparison of the casts of the Piltdown fossils with the corresponding bones of men and apes.”見:Anonymous. 1953. Piltdown Man. Nature 172(4387):981-982.




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