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原來,距離方舟子的母校密歇根州立大學不到一百英里,就是底特律市。在底特律市,有一所大學,名叫韋恩州立大學(Wayne State University)。雖然這所大學對於絕大多數中國人來說比較陌生,但是它卻與中國人的關係很大,因為著名的諾爾曼·白求恩大夫曾在這所學校任教。而這所學校與方舟子發生關係,卻是因為該校生物系的一位名叫阿金的教授(Robert Arking)寫了一本書,書名是《衰老生物學:觀察與原理》(Biology of Aging: Observations and Principles)。這本書至今出了三版,分別是199119982006年版,而方舟子上面的那個表格,就出現在它的前兩版中(在第三版中,這個表格被刪去)。







上圖是美國韋恩州立大學教授阿金在其1998年出版的《衰老生物學:觀察與原理》第二版中介紹“麥克凱”試驗時使用的一個表格【6, p.314】,它在四年後被方舟子盜用,並在2012年成為鑑定“方舟子抄襲阿金”案的關鍵線索和一件鐵證,因為紅框內數據為阿金自己計算所得,並非“麥克凱”論文原有。




“所謂連環性,就是在發現獵物之後,方舟子會反覆地、不斷地抄:抄完一篇文章之後,他會意猶未盡,於是再抄第二次(如偷易華的《人參崇拜》);一本書,抄完這篇文章之後,再抄下一篇(如偷Mark BuchananUbiquity,和A. K. DewdneyYes, we have no neutrons”【7


可想而知,方舟子絕不會從《衰老生物學:觀察與原理》中僅僅偷一個表格。事實是,方舟子的《吃得少活得老》,共3906字,至少有2535字,約占全文的三分之二,抄自該書。實際上,方舟子的文章,從內容到結構,從觀點到錯誤,幾乎全部來自該書,就像他在七年前抄襲自己母校的教授Robert Root-Bernstein一樣。具體的文字比較,見本文的附錄。這裡,我們先看看這個表格是怎麼回事。


原來,在《衰老生物學:觀察與原理》的第一、二版中,阿金教授都註明這個表格是根據“麥克凱”的這兩篇論文綜合而成,它們是1934年在《科學月刊》上發表的《延長生命》【8】和1938年在《營養雜誌》上發表的《生長遲緩對壽命和最終體型的影響》【9】。查前一篇文章,其中的“中值”欄數據,恰恰與阿金的相同,但該表並沒有“中值變化”欄(Percent change in median life span),因此說明,那欄數據是阿金根據原始數據計算所得,因此那個表格是世界上獨一無二的。也就是說,方舟子的表格只能是抄自阿金教授。








那麼,我有沒有必要向這位著名的“方老偷”【10】道歉呢?不僅完全沒有,實際上,這個事實更能證明方舟子是一個老偷加巨騙。原來,“學過小學算術”的人都知道,平均值(average, mean)和中值(亦稱中間值,median)是兩個不同的概念,前者是用一組數據的總值除這組數據的個數而得,後者則是查找這組數據中數值位於中間的那個數據。顯然,使用平均值來代表一個群體的壽命比使用中間值更為合理。天知道阿金教授為什麼要異想天開,計算什麼“中間值變化”;但我們確實知道方舟子為什麼要抄襲這個數字:無知。這是因為,方舟子確實把平均值和中間值混為一談了,所以他才會說“平均延長”!偷竊在先,把偷來的東西搞錯在後,再把偷來的、搞錯的文字反反覆覆地販賣兌現,這不就是一個老偷加巨騙的所作所為嗎?


實際上,方舟子在《吃得少能否活得老》一文第一段250個字中出的十大醜,要麼是他誤讀阿金,要麼是他把阿金的失誤也照搬過來。比如,阿金只是說“奧斯本”等人的論文是1917年發表的,但這卻被方舟子理解成“1917年,奧斯本等三位美國生物學家在用大鼠做營養實驗時”。再如,儘管阿金在那個表格中顯示限食老鼠被分為兩組,但在正文中,他卻使用單數“In the restricted group”,結果導致方舟子鸚鵡學舌,說什麼“他們給其中的一組提供完備的營養物質,但是嚴格限制其飲食,讓它們一直處於飢餓中”。還有,阿金在書中說限食組的老鼠一直保持斷奶時的體重(In the restricted group, maturation was greatly slowed, although these animals held their weaning weight),於是方舟子就說:“飲食受限制的老鼠發育幾乎停止,身體也不再長大”。


最奇的是,阿金這位生物學教授也是把生長和發育混為一談,說什麼“麥克凱等人的試驗源自亞里士多德的猜想和奧斯本等人的試驗,它們都顯示生物的壽命長短與它們的發育速度成反比”(The experiments of McCay and his colleagues, which we will discuss shortly, grew out of the idea that longevity is inversely proportional to developmental rate. This idea was derived partly from the works of  philosophers such as Aristotle and partly from the  experimental work of Osborne……)。也就是根據阿金的這個說法,方舟子就說“美國康奈爾大學的麥克凱等人直接驗證是否動物壽命真的與發育速度成反比”。實際上,在《吃得少活得老》一文中,方舟子把阿金的這段話“發揮”得更加離譜。他說:




其實,亞里士多德在其《論壽命的長短》(On Longevity and Shortness of Life)一文中,根本就沒有這麼“猜想”過。他只是說:壽命最長的生物是在植物之中,其次是在熱血的、有足的動物之中。他從熱血和有足的動物中找出了兩個例子,人和大象,然後歸納出另一個通則:“體積大的動物比體積小的動物長壽”(As a matter of fact also it is a general rule that the larger live longer than the smaller),他通篇也沒有提什麼發育和懷孕。確實,烏克蘭科學院院士、著名生理學和老年學家Vladimir V. Frolkis就說,亞里士多德認為壽命與生長速度有關(Since Aristotle and later Buffon, Shmalgauzen, and Bidder, an important role in species-specific life span determination has been attributed to growth rate.)不僅如此,他還正確地把奧斯本等人的發現繫於1915年(1915 Osborne and Mendel found out that delay in a mammal's growth due to a restricted diet is reversible and could be stopped after returning to a diet ad libitum.)【11】【註:在《衰老生物學:觀察與原理》第三版中,阿金把“亞里士多德”刪去了。見該書202頁)。










McCay’s oldest control rat died at 965 days, whereas his oldest CR rat lived 1,456 days (150 years in human terms). In the 1960s, CR rats in the laboratory of Morris H. Ross at the Institute For Cancer Research in Philadelphia, survived for more than 1,800 days (180 years in human terms).”【12




據網友愛玩兒考證,方舟子的“相當於人活到200歲”很可能是抄自Life Extension Magazine 19956月發表的另一篇文章,Dietary Manipulation Of Aging,其中說:“The longest lived calorie restricted rat survived for more than 1,800 days (the equivalent of about 200 years in humans) in the laboratory of Morris H. Ross at the Institute For Cancer Research in Philadelphia.”【13


事實是,方舟子的《長生的夢幻》一書中,抄襲《延長壽命雜誌》(Life Extension Magazine)之處甚多。而這個雜誌是由一個叫做“延長壽命基金會”的組織主辦的“科普”讀物,上面那篇文章的作者Saul Kent就是這個基金會的創始人之一。維基百科只說他是“著名的延長壽命活動的積極分子”(prominent life extension activist),而沒有提到他的教育背景和學術建樹,因此他至多不過是一個“科普作家”,連“知名”都算不上。方舟子以“知名科普作家”的身份、在中國的“中央級新銳主流大報”上發表抄襲──並且抄錯了──自美國“不知名科普作家”的文章,這還不算是“中央級”的笑話嗎?但實際上,這樣的笑話,在方舟子的文章中層出不窮。比如,在《吃得少活得老》一文中,有這樣一段話:






One such study with mice and rats by Weindruch (1986) showed that fully fed mice lived on the average 28 months versus the calorie restricted group who lived 47 months. Rat survivals were shown to be approximately 720 days old for those eating ad lib and 1300 days of life if calories were restricted. In these and other studies, calorie restriction is defined as a reduction in calories of 25-60% from ad lib feeding levels while providing an adequate intake of essential vitamins and nutrients.”【14


看到方舟子的25-60%、1986年、47個月、28個月、1300天、720天這幾個數據都出現在這段英文中了嗎?實際上,幾乎可以肯定,這段話是錯誤的。這是因為,其中提到的Weindruch不僅也是一個“著名的延長壽命活動的積極分子”,而且他還是一個著名學者。在1986年,他以第一作者的身份,只發表了一篇論文【15】,但其中不僅沒有上面那些數據,而且該研究只涉及小鼠,與大鼠根本無涉。不僅如此,Weindruch1988年還與方舟子所說的那位“研究衰老的分子生物學、加州大學洛杉磯分校的教授洛伊·瓦爾佛德(Roy Walford)”合著了一本題為《通過限制飲食來延緩衰老和疾病》的書,在其中,Weindruch也沒有提及自己“在1986年對小鼠和大鼠同時做的實驗”。【16】這還不能證明方舟子又留下了“抄襲的鐵證”嗎?


更可笑的是,方舟子這個美國博士抄襲的那篇英文文章,作者Jean E. Pierog是一個僅僅有碩士學位的註冊護士(R.N., M.S.)。方舟子不是一直看不起碩士【17】、並且說“我認為本科生甚至碩士研究生都沒有必要寫畢業論文”【18】嗎?如果碩士不寫論文,你方博士抄誰呀?











那麼,田教授是否真的抄襲了方舟子呢? 查田清淶早在1986年就發表有關老年學的論文【22】,並且有老年學專著。所以,與方舟子相比,他有足夠的資格撰寫《長壽之門》這樣的文章。換句話說,就資格而言,田教授不用抄襲就可以寫成科普文章,而方舟子即使抄襲也寫不出沒有錯誤的科普文章。退一萬步說,既然你方舟子的文章幾乎全都是抄來的,田教授為什麼不能直接照抄英文文章,而必須抄襲你方舟子呢?




“In the past, the caloric intake of much of the population of Okinawa was much lower than the norm in Japan, but the nutrition of the Okinawans was otherwise adequate. Okinawa has a high incidence of centenarians: 2–40 times as many as may be found on any other Japanese island. ”6, p.324




而方舟子關於“生物圈2”那三句話——“在1991-1993年間,四男四女在一個與外界隔絕的生態系統‘生物圈2’住了兩年。在此期間,他們的飲食營養齊備,但熱量大約為一般飲食的90%。他們的體重明顯降低了(男的降低18%,女的降低10%),並出現了與熱量受限制的老鼠類似的生理變化” ——,顯然是來自阿金的緊接着上面那句話的這句話:


“Finally, the seven people who voluntarily entered Biosphere 2 for 2 years and reduced their caloric intake while there are reported to have shown physiological changes similar to those observed in calorically restricted rodents.” 6, p.324




“Sealed inside Biosphere 2 in September 1991, four women and four men, including two of the authors, maintained themselves and the various systems for 2 yr, the longest-sustained ‘isolated confined environment’ period on record. …… Major medical problems encountered during the 2 yr included adaptation to a low-calorie (1800-2200 kcal.d-1 per person) but otherwise nutritionally adequate diet, with substantial weight loss (18% for men, 10% for women), and a declining oxygen atmosphere (down to 14.2%).”26


顯然,方舟子以為那些人之所以要“限食”,是在主動參與一項事先設計好了的科學實驗;而真實卻是,那是因為食物不足而造成的被迫行為——這一點,他們不僅在上面這篇文章中的正文中就交代了,是因為光照不足和蟲害導致食物歉收(lower light levels and an unanticipated amount of insect damage limited production to approximately 1800 kcal·d-1 per person for the first 6-12 mo),他們實際上早在1992年發表的第一篇論文中也交代了,說是因為“最初的莊稼問題”(due to initial crop problems)。【27】更好笑的是,根據前面的錯誤假設,方舟子以為那個摘要中給出的數字都是固定的、絕對的,而不知道,它們都是動態的、甚至是隨機的,具體數字根據食物的產量多少來決定。例如,關於每日攝取的熱量,他們最初的說法是“平均每天1780 千卡”(average, 1780 kcal/day; a mean intake of only 1780 kcal.)【27】;但十年後,卻變成了“1750-2100千卡/天”(1750–2100 kcal/d)【28】;同樣,關於體重下降,最初的說法是男人的平均體重從74公斤降到62公斤,即相當於降低了16.2%,女人從61公斤降到54公斤,即相當於11.5%74 to 62 kg (men) and 61 to 54 kg (women))【27】;十年後變成在第六到第八個月期間“男人降低21%,女人14%”(21% for the men,14% for the women)【28】——所謂“男的降低18%,女的降低10%”據說是發生在食物短缺最嚴重的第八到第十個月期間【26】。不僅如此,在食物較為充足之時,即在出艙之前的幾個月內,那些人的體重都有不同程度的恢復;在出艙之後,更是很快恢復到原來的水平。【29】最好笑的是,方舟子根據“正常人一天需要從食物中吸收20002500卡路里的熱量”這個“科學原理”,並且根據他假定的那篇摘要給出的“每人每天1800-2200大卡”是因人而異的數字,於是運用其引以為傲的“小學算術”本領,計算出“在此期間,他們的……熱量大約為一般飲食的90%”這個數字。而事實是,根據第一篇文獻,這八個人入駐前的體重最輕的只有52.7公斤,最重的則達94.5公斤,即體重差異將近一倍。不僅如此,這八個人的年齡,從28歲到67歲不等。但是,他們每天分得的食物量卻是完全相同的(Three meals per day were eaten, with equal portions given to each individual regardless of size or gender)。【27】也就是說,他們的節食程度,因人、因時而不同,根本就沒有、也不可能有什麼“90%”這個數字——確實,在那些相關論文中,也沒有類似的說法。也就是說,這個從上世紀起就宣稱自己要向中國人科普“實證精神、懷疑精神”【30】、指責中國人“最為欠缺的是科學理性精神和批判精神”【31】的美國水博士——實乃跨國學術盲流——,就是一個看啥偷啥、偷啥信啥的無知蠢賊,不要說根本就沒有什麼“科學精神”,他連最起碼的“誠信”品質都先天性、終身性缺失。






























【1】六指:《小方現在越來越沒出息了》,虹橋科教論壇,2012-09-22 05:15:46




【3】見方舟子的搜狐微博,2012-09-25 16:47;亦見:方舟子:《關於北京大學生命科學學院教授田清淶抄襲的說明》,新語絲2012928日新到資料。






6Arking, R. Biology of Aging: Observations and Principles. Sunderland, MA.: Sinauer Associates Press, 1998.




8McCay, C. M. and M. F. Crowell. 1934. Prolonging the Life Span. Scientific Monthly 39(5):405–414;


9McCay, C.M., Crowell, M.F., and Maynard, L. A. 1935. The Effect of Retarded Growth upon the Length of Life Span and upon the Ultimate Body Size. Journal of Nutrition 10(1):63–79.




11Frolkis, V. V. and Muradian, K. K. Experimental Life Prolongation. Boston, MA.: CRC Press, 1991. p.170, 207.


12Kent, S. Aging Research Becomes A Science. Life Extension Magazine, December 2001.


13】愛玩兒:《這個笨蛋FZZ,抄都不會抄、抄錯》,虹橋科教論壇,2012-09-22 08:27:57




15Weindruch, R., Walford, R. L., Fligiel, S., and Guthrie, D. 1986. The Retardation of Aging in Mice by Dietary Restriction: Longevity, Cancer, Immunity and Lifetime Energy Intake. Journal of Nutrition 116(4):641-654.


16Weindruch, R. and ‎Walford, R. L The Retardation of Aging and Disease by Dietary Restriction. Springfield, IL.: C. C. Thomas, 1988.















23Kagawa, Y. 1978. Impact of Westernization on the Nutrition of Japanese: Changes in Physique, Cancer, Longevity and Centenarians. Preventive Medicine 7(2):205–217.


24Akisaka, M., Asato, L., Chan, Y. C., Suzuki, M., Uezato, T., and Yamamoto, S. 1996. Energy and Nutrient Intakes of Okinawan Centenarians. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 42(3):241-248.


251. Walford, R. L., Harris, S. B., and Gunion, M. W. 1992. The Calorically Restricted Low-fat Nutrient-dense Diet in Biosphere 2 Significantly Lowers Blood Glucose, Total Leukocyte Count, Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure in Humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA Vol. 89(23):11533-11537; 2. Nelson, M., Burgess, T. L., Alling, A., Alvarez-Romo, N., et al. 1993. Using a Closed Ecological System to Study Earth's Biosphere. Bioscience 43(4):225-236; 3. Walford, R. L., Weber, L. J., and Panov, S. 1995. Caloric Restriction and Aging as Viewed from Biosphere 2. Receptor 5(1):29-33; 4. Walford, R. L., Bechtel, R., MacCallum, T., Paglia, D. E., and Weber, L. J. 1996. "Biospheric Medicine" as Viewed from the Two-year First Closure of Biosphere 2. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 67(7):609-617; 5. Walford, R. L., Mock, D., MacCallum, T., and Laseter, J. L. 1999. Physiologic Changes in Humans Subjected to Severe, Selective Calorie Restriction for Two Years in Biosphere 2: Health, Aging, and Toxicological Perspectives. Toxicological Sciences 52(2):61-65; 6. Weyer, C., Walford, R. L., Harper, I. T., Milner, M., MacCallum, T., Tataranni, P. A., and Ravussin, E. 2000. Energy Metabolism after 2 y of Energy Restriction: The Biosphere 2 Experiment. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 72(4):946-953; 7. Walford, R. L., Mock, D., Verdery, R., and MacCallum, T. 2002. Calorie Restriction in Biosphere 2: Alterations in Physiologic, Hematologic, Hormonal, and Biochemical Parameters in Humans Restricted for a 2-year Period. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A.  57(6):B211–B224.


26 Walford, R. L., Bechtel, R., MacCallum, T., Paglia, D. E., and Weber, L. J. 1996. "Biospheric Medicine" as Viewed from the Two-year First Closure of Biosphere 2. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 67(7):609-617.


27Walford, R. L., Harris, S. B., and Gunion, M. W. 1992. The Calorically Restricted Low-fat Nutrient-dense Diet in Biosphere 2 Significantly Lowers Blood Glucose, Total Leukocyte Count, Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure in Humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA Vol. 89(23):11533-11537.


28Walford, R. L., Mock, D., Verdery, R., and MacCallum, T. 2002. Calorie Restriction in Biosphere 2: Alterations in Physiologic, Hematologic, Hormonal, and Biochemical Parameters in Humans Restricted for a 2-year Period. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A.  57(6):B211–B224.


29Weyer, C., Walford, R. L., Harper, I. T., Milner, M., MacCallum, T., Tataranni, P. A., and Ravussin, E. 2000. Energy Metabolism after 2 y of Energy Restriction: The Biosphere 2 Experiment. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 72(4):946-953.










34】見方舟子新浪微博,2011-2-16 14:22


35】見方舟子新浪微博,2011-2-25 15:01


36】見方舟子新浪微博,2011-2-22 17:27




38】見方舟子新浪微博,2011-2-16 14:22




【40】方舟子:《是新聞記者還是“新聞痞子”?》 ,新語絲2006年4月9日新到資料。


41】見新語絲讀書論壇,2011-02-15, 15:51:39


42】見方舟子新浪微博,2012-2-4 21:04





方舟子的文章全文照錄如下,其文字來自新語絲網頁《吃得少活得老》(新語絲2002112日新到資料)。方舟子自己承認,他在2012914日發表在《新華每日電訊》上的《吃得少能否活得老?》一文乃是“改自舊文”——實際上就是新語絲上抨擊了六七十次的“自我剽竊”、“自我抄襲”,自我抄襲率達80%。方舟子抄襲的英文文章,附在抄襲文字之後。未註明出處的英文文字皆來自Arking1998年版“Biology of Aging: Observations and Principles”一書。每段英文後面括號內的數字為該書頁碼。










The experiments of McCay and his colleagues, which we will discuss shortly, grew out of the idea that longevity is inversely proportional to developmental rate. This idea was derived partly from the works of  philosophers such as Aristotle ……. (p.313)






1917年,奧斯本(T. B. Osborne)等三位美國生物學家在用大鼠做營養實驗時,發現那些沒有餵飽的老鼠,生長遲緩,而其壽命似乎也延長了。受到這個結果的啟發,1935年,美國康奈爾大學的麥克凱(C. M. McCay)等人直接驗證是否動物壽命真的與發育速度成反比。在大鼠斷奶後,他們給其中的一組提供完備的營養物質,但是嚴格限制其飲食,讓它們一直處於飢餓中,而另一組老鼠則任其吃飽。受限制的老鼠發育幾乎停止,身體也不再長大,一些老鼠夭折了,但是存活下來的老鼠中,壽命明顯增長了。雄鼠所受的影響更顯著,壽命平均延長了約50%。


This idea was derived partly from the works of  philosophers such as Aristotle and partly from the  experimental work of Osborne, Mendel, and Ferry (1917), whose data suggested, but did not prove, that underfed rats live longer. McCay, Crowell, and Maynard (1935) demonstrated that rats that were fed a nutritionally complete but calorie-restricted diet from the time of weaning had significantly increases in the values of mean, median, and maximum life span when compared to animals fed a normal diet conducive to rapid growth (Table 7.1). The animals provided with unlimited calories grew and matured normally. In the restricted group, maturation was greatly slowed, although these animals held their weaning weight and suffered from no other nutritional deficiency, since their diet included adequate amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Growth and development in the restricted animals resumed only after they were given additional calories at about 2 years of age. The restricted animals never attained a normal body size or body weight; they remained about 15% smaller than their normal controls. (p.313)




McCay’s oldest control rat died at 965 days, whereas his oldest CR rat lived 1,456 days (150 years in human terms). In the 1960s, CR rats in the laboratory of Morris H. Ross at the Institute For Cancer Research in Philadelphia, survived for more than 1,800 days (180 years in human terms). Saul Kent. Aging Research Becomes A Science. LE Magazine December 2001.




These observations have since been confirmed and extended by many other investigators. (p.313)




This finding, that animals on a low calorie, nutrient rich diet far outlived animals allowed to eat as much as they wanted, has been replicated a great number of times. One such study with mice and rats by Weindruch (1986) showed that fully fed mice lived on the average 28 months versus the calorie restricted group who lived 47 months. Rat survivals were shown to be approximately 720 days old for those eating ad lib and 1300 days of life if calories were restricted. In these and other studies, calorie restriction is defined as a reduction in calories of 25-60% from ad lib feeding levels while providing an adequate intake of essential vitamins and nutrients. Jean E. Pierog. RECIPE FOR LONGEVITY.




The basic observation has been found to apply to other species, both vertebrate and invertebrate, and is hallmarked by its ease of repeatability. (p.313)






In fact, caloric restriction is the only environmental means that has been shown to significantly slow the mortality rate of any mammal. (p.313)




Are these animals that live longer also healthier, or are they sick and feeble? Is the boon of extended longevity a blessing or a curse? What, in other words, is the effect of caloric restriction on age-related pathologies? Many studies have shown that the dietary history of the rodent has a major effect on the age of onset and the incidence of the various age-related pathologies (see Weindruch and Walford 1988 and Merry and Holehan 1994b for references). (pp.314-315)




McCay also discovered that calorie restriction inhibited a large variety of cancers and delayed age related deterioration of the vascular system and the kidneys. Jean E. Pierog. RECIPE FOR LONGEVITY.




A large body of data (reviewed by Masoro 1988a, 1992a; Weindruch and Walford 1988;  Finch 1990;) shows that caloric restriction, in addition to having an effect on the age-related pathologies, delays or eliminates the onset of many normal age-related physiological changes. (p.316)




and the incidence of chronic tissue inflammations (for example, chronic glomerulonephritis, myocardial fibrosis) and of endocrine hyperplasias is significantly reduced. (p.315)




The early effects of restriction seem to depend on the strain, but a general response to the restriction of calories seems to be a decrease in antibody production coupled with an enhanced cell-mediated immunity. (p.316)




The ability of calorie-restricted animals to satisfy energy requirements with low levels of blood glucose implies that they can minimize the age-related effects of glycosylation. (p.322)




prevention of the decline in the mouse’s learning ability, (p.316)




Third, the restricted animals have a greater degree of protection against exogenous carcinogens; these rodents showed significantly fewer tumors after exposure to any of several different carcinogens tested. (p.316)




An example of a normal trait that is eliminated in restricted animals is the normal increase in the number of fat cells found in particular fat depots in the rat. Not only does caloric restriction eliminate the increase in fat cells, but it brings about a significant decrease in the fat depot mass as a result of a reduction in the number of fat cells (Masoro 1992). Restricting the amount of fat without restricting the total energy intake did not have this effect. (p.316)




It seems reasonable to assume that caloric restriction is affecting, either directly or indirectly, some fundamental process(es) involved in the regulation of biological aging. (p.317)




Clearly, caloric restriction works. But why should mammals come equipped with a mechanism that enables them to live long if they stay hungry? What is the evolutionary sense behind this concept? One proposal suggests that caloric restriction is best viewed as a special application of the disposable-soma theory (see chapter 4), which is based on the premise that an organism can devote its excess calories, beyond the amount needed for basic and essential functions, to reproduction and/or somatic maintenance. In this view, caloric restriction evolved as the set of mechanisms by which an organism adjusts its reproductive strategy to the conditions of its environment by shifting from rapid reproduction over a short time period to a reduced rate of reproduction over a longer life span (Holliday 1989; Richardson and Pahlavani 1994). (p.325)




It seems reasonable to assume that caloric restriction is affecting, either directly or indirectly, some fundamental process(es) involved in the regulation of biological aging. But what might these process(es) be? And what specific aspect of dietary manipulation is involved? At a minimum, one could hypothesize that the critical variable is the amount of body fat, or the total amount of food eaten, or the total amount of calories taken, or the decreased intake of specific (toxic?) food components such as fats or carbohydrates or proteins, or perhaps more subtle effects, such as the lack of exercise in well-fed laboratory animals or delayed onset of degenerative disease in the restricted animals. (p.317)




The amount of body fat is not what is important. The mice in one genetically obese strain eat more, gain weight very rapidly, live a shorter time than other mice, and have a high percentage of fat in their body weight (Table 7.2). Yet when these animals are calorically restricted, they exhibit a median and maximum life span comparable to that of their long-lived, calorically restricted controls, even though they still have about 3.5 times as much body fat as do the controls. The increased longevity appears to be related to food consumption as such in these animals, and not to body composition.




Furthermore, the diet restriction does not appear to work if it consists of the elimination of any single deleterious component of the diet. The individual restriction of any single food component (such as protein, fats, carbohydrates, fibers, or minerals) to the same extent as observed in the complete diet restriction regime does not markedly affect longevity (Iwasaki et al. 1988; Masoro et al. 1989). It now appears unlikely that diet restriction experiments extend the life span by reducing the intake of a particular single component of the food. This observation suggests that our life span is not shortened as a result of toxic components in our diet, but it does support the idea that longevity is affected by the daily amount of food (calories) eaten. (p.318)




The mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of caloric restriction are not clear. ……As Masoro (1988a) has pointed out, recent studies have eliminated two hypotheses regarding the mechanism of action of dietary restriction and forced the reconsideration of a third.……The third hypothesis was the idea that dietary restriction increases life span by decreasing the metabolic rate. This idea was particularly attractive, since because it has an obvious theoretical connection to the oxidative-damage theory of aging (see chapter 10). (p.321)




Recent information suggests that this third hypothesis is too simple to be entirely correct, but it is also not entirely wrong. Dietary restriction does affect metabolism, but not in the simple manner envisioned by this theory. Data from the National Institute on Aging–National Center for Toxicological Research (NIA–NCTR) joint biomarker study have shown that caloric restriction induces a major metabolic reorganization in animals (Duffy et al. 1989; Feuers et al. 1991, 1995).


This reorganization includes a lowering of core body temperature, a shift away from fat synthesis and toward glucose synthesis, a change in motor activity such that it is concentrated about the feeding time, and an alteration in the body’s metabolic rate such that restricted animals have a lower than normal metabolic rate before feeding but a higher-than-normal metabolic rate after feeding. One result of such a metabolic shift would be the lowering of the organism’s steady-state production of harmful metabolic by-products that result in oxidative stress and damage (Sohal and Weindruch 1996). (p.321)




The ability of calorie-restricted animals to satisfy energy requirements with low levels of blood glucose implies that they can minimize the age-related effects of glycosylation. Maintaining an efficient flow of glucose through glycolysis enables calorie-restricted animals to modulate their NADPH pools better. These latter cofactors are known to play an important role in maintaining some of the enzyme systems responsible for the detoxification of free radicals. Thus the ability to maintain “youthful” regulation of this enzyme may spare the organism the harmful effects of glycosylation and free-radical, or oxidative, damage, two harmful processes that can interact synergistically in contributing to the degeneration characteristic of old age (Kristal and Yu 1992). Caloric restriction has been shown to reduce the age-dependent accumulation of advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs) in both red blood cells and skin collagen (Cefalu et al. 1995). In addition, calorie-restricted animals have, in some but not all tissues, a higher level of superoxide dismutase enzyme activity and a lower level of superoxide and/or hydroxide radicals throughout their life span (Lee and Yu 1990). (p.322)




In addition to these changes in energy metabolism, a multitude of other enzyme reactions are affected by diet restriction, including liver enzymes known to be involved in drug metabolism and elimination (Leakey et al. 1989). The complexity of these changes is illustrated by the observation that DNA repair activity increases in diet-restricted rodents (Lipman et al. 1989), while the same treatment simultaneously decreases both normal DNA synthesis and the binding of a chemical carcinogen to DNA in vivo (Chow et al. 1993). The observation that caloric restriction brings about various alterations in brain neurotransmitters suggests neuroendocrine involvement (Kolta et al. 1989). (p.322)




One unexpected beneficial outcome of diet restriction is its effect on learning performance in mice (Ingram et al. 1987). Both middle-aged and old mice were tested for their learning abilities in a standard maze test. The control and diet-restricted middle-aged adults had comparable learning levels, as indicated by their number of errors per trial. However, the old diet-restricted animals, exhibiting scores comparable to the middle-aged mice, were clearly superior to the old controls. This study is very important because it indicates that the delayed growth and maturation characteristic of diet-restricted animals have no deleterious effect on adult learning abilities but instead maintain these abilities well into the aging process. (p.323)




Caloric restriction works wonders for rodents, but what about other mammals? How does caloric restriction affect primates in general and human being in particular? At least two ongoing studies are focusing on the effects of caloric restriction in rhesus monkeysone located at the National Institute of Aging (Ingram et al. 1990), the other at the University of Wisconsin (Kemnitz et al., 1993). In both studies the treatment is a reduction in caloric intake of about 30 percent. At the end of the first 5 years of the studies, this level of caloric restriction appears to be well tolerated by the animals, and the treatment outcomes identified so far resemble those of the rodent studies (Weindruch 1995b). These results include decreases blood glucose and insulin levels, increased insulin sensitivity, and increased HDL (“good cholesterol”) levels. Interestingly, long-term caloric restriction appears not to affect the animals’ energy metabolism, percent lean body mass, or percent body fat (Lane et al. 1995). (p.323)




No well-controlled, long-term studies deal with the effects of caloric restriction on humans. The severe malnutrition too often practiced on prisoners and refugees in time of war clearly has devastating short- and long-term effects on the health of these people (Mohs 1994a), but such data cannot be used as evidence one way or the other in this question. There is, however, some anecdotal evidence. (p.324)




In the past, the caloric intake of much of the population of Okinawa was much lower than the norm in Japan, but the nutrition of the Okinawans was otherwise adequate. Okinawa has a high incidence of centenarians: 2–40 times as many as may be found on any other Japanese island.




Other anecdotal evidence suggests that very few, if any, centenarians or other long-lived people have been obese. (p.324)


19911993年間,四男四女在一個與外界隔絕的生態系統生物圈2”住了兩年。在此期間,他們的飲食營養齊備,但熱量大約為一般飲食的90%。他們的體重明顯降低了(男的降低18%,女的降低10%),並出現了與卡路里受限制的老鼠類似的生理變化。生物圈2”的居民中包括研究衰老的分子生物學、加州大學洛杉磯分校的教授洛伊·瓦爾佛德(Roy Walford)。他成了限制卡路里長壽法的倡導者和實踐者,聲稱他因此至少能活到120歲。


Finally, the seven people who voluntarily entered Biosphere 2 for 2 years and reduced their caloric intake while there are reported to have shown physiological changes similar to those observed in calorically restricted rodents. (p.324)


“Sealed inside Biosphere 2 in September 1991, four women and four men, including two of the authors, maintained themselves and the various systems for 2 yr, the longest-sustained ‘isolated confined environment’ period on record. …… Major medical problems encountered during the 2 yr included adaptation to a low-calorie (1800-2200 kcal.d-1 per person) but otherwise nutritionally adequate diet, with substantial weight loss (18% for men, 10% for women), and a declining oxygen atmosphere (down to 14.2%). (見:Walford, R. L., Bechtel, R., MacCallum, T., Paglia, D. E., and Weber, L. J. 1996. "Biospheric Medicine" as Viewed from the Two-year First Closure of Biosphere 2. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 67(7):609-617.






不過,加州大學河邊分校的斯蒂芬·斯賓德勒(Stephen Spindler)實驗室在20019月發表的一篇論文認為,在短時間內實施限制卡路里飲食,可能就能取得良好的效果。他們用基因芯片技術分析了肝臟中11000個基因在年輕小鼠(7個月大)和年老小鼠(27個月大)的表達情況,發現其中有46個已知基因的表達隨着衰老而發生了變化。與炎症、緊張反應有關的基因,表達增強了,而與代謝有關、抑制細胞生長的基因表達則降低了。他們對一批小鼠從小就限制其飲食,熱量比正常的減低40%,一直養到27個月老後檢測其基因表達情況,發現與年輕的小鼠類似。然後他們對一批34個月老的小鼠(相當於人長到大約80歲)進行卡路里限制一個月,前兩周減低卡路里20%,後兩周再進一步減低20%。然後處死這些老鼠檢測其基因表達情況,發現也與年輕的小鼠類似。這就表明限制卡路里不僅能延緩衰老,甚至能在一定程度上逆轉衰老過程,而且即使在老年時期短時間地限制卡路里,就能取得顯著的良效。


S.S.: We took a group of animals that had been allowed to eat almost all they wanted their whole life and we intervened when they were quite old-34 months of age. These mice would be the equivalent of people who are probably 80 years old or older-I'm just guessing at the human equivalent age. We took a group of them and said okay gals, the party's over, it's time to diet. We under-fed them first for two weeks by 20%-that is, 20% less than they had been eating previously-and then for two weeks after that we fed them an additional 20% less so that for the second two weeks they were eating 40% less than they had been eating most of their lives. At the end of that time, at 35 months of age, we sacrificed all of the animals. We then compared the gene expression profiles in the livers of these mice to those in four other groups of mice. The old controls were mice that always ate almost all they wanted until being analyzed at 27 months of age. The long-term calorie restriction mice were those mice who had spent their whole lives being under-fed by 40% until the age of 27 months. Finally, the short-term calorie restricted mice were, as I mentioned, switched from fully fed to under-fed for just four weeks, and even at that only two weeks with "full strength" calorie restriction. We also had a young (seven month-old) control group and a young long-term calorie restricted group (also seven months old) so we could look at calorie restriction independently of aging.【註:方舟子此段是抄襲Life Extension Magazine上的系列文章,如200112月號上的這兩篇:Reversing Aging Rapidly With Short-Term Calorie Restriction; Media Coverage of Anti-Aging Breakthroughs.




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