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Peotry and poet
送交者: xpt 2009月05月01日21:18:06 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: When you repeatedly made yourJury 于 2009-05-01 20:47:07
The best quality of Chinese is perhaps its use in poems, fuzzy, tangled, and primal to be exact. For other uses such as science and logic reasoning, little can be said about the capacity of Chinese as it never had a chance to be tested. One thing we know for sure, more from the consequence, that Chinese is a low level language for thinking and reasoning. We know from the human history, none great great philosopher or thinker came from the country using primitive languages.

This line of argument certainly ignites strong reactions from the people in these countries or culture origins whose languages are more a symbol of their national value and pride. But history has no emotion. It tells us what is good and bad, or what is superior and what is inferior, from the past.

The biggest irony is that those who spoke the loudest to express their love and affection toward their beloved culture heritage including language are those who are benefited the most from the "others". It not hard to imagine what a Chinese man would do today proudly writing his Chinese character using the computer invented by others and transmitted through the world wide web also invented by others. Oh, do not forget, they may be sitting right in the place in the "other" country which is certainly not their beloved China.
  Well said! 他们是叶公好龙! - 言真轻 05/01/09 (172)
  I don't get your logic - Jury 05/01/09 (288)
    u need a mirror  /无内容 - xpt 05/01/09 (268)
      You are an idiot!  /无内容 - Jury 05/01/09 (311)
        You loss one by saying that - 言真轻 05/01/09 (242)
          Why does he needs a mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (244)
            You may look at 臭脚丫,奶瓶,。。。 - 言真轻 05/01/09 (169)
        idiot is the same in mirror - xpt 05/01/09 (209)
          Idiot and mirror - Jury 05/01/09 (135)
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