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Go beyond personal lose
送交者: xpt 2009月05月07日09:02:47 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: aaarainbow 于 2009-05-07 08:30:53
This is a tragic for the family.

But this is also a goog opportunity for all "learned" Chinese men and women to think deeper and ask WHY?

1. If an elite can experience this "medical malpractice", how about the millions of small potatoes struggling at the bottom of the society?

2. There must be millions of tragic events happening for those people. Where do they get their voice heard? (They do not have "powerful" overseas friends.)

3. Do you still want to go back to China to "help" your motherland, in fact which already becomes the CCP farther land...
    谢谢你关注这件事情 - rainbow 05/07/09 (283)
      我只能告诉你:覆巢之下,焉有完卵? - 言真轻 05/07/09 (278)
        I think their IQ is just that - xpt 05/07/09 (272)
          四川地震的时候我捐了钱,后听说学校是豆腐渣工程 - 言真轻 05/07/09 (251)
            汉字害的你捐钱。你捐钱了?就你?谁会信?就你那人品?  /无内容 - 丑脚丫 05/07/09 (196)
    well siad - xpt 05/07/09 (226)
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