SUMMARY VIEW OF THE RIGHTS OF BRITISH AMERICA 说“己所不欲、、、”能产生民主,等于说它可来自如"treat others as you would like to be treated"这样的民间道德说教,这是没有看到深层的根源。民主的思想本质是基于对人性和行为的“恶”的判断,而用法律和宗教作为“外部”的手段来制止不平等行为。中国人首先认为人性是善的,因此只希望当权者的自我约束,这是根本幼稚的看法,中国到了今天还是这样,跟本不懂或不愿看到法律和宗教的深刻背景。西方在这方面比中国明显是不同档次的认识。这是两股道上跑的车。如果将通想天边的铁轨看成一条 - 这是犯了逻辑错误。这种错误如果将“猜测”到的真理,等同与“证明”的真理,这完全是两个档次的认知行为,这是非常流行的中国人的认识水平。
by Thomas Jefferson, 1774
Resolved, that it be an instruction to the said deputies, when assembled in general congress with the deputies from the other states of British America, to propose to the said congress that an humble and dutiful address be presented to his majesty, begging leave to lay before him, as chief magistrate of the British empire, the united complaints of his majesty's subjects in America; complaints which are excited by many unwarrantable encroachments and usurpations, attempted to be made by the legislature of one part of the empire, upon those rights which God and the laws have given equally and independently to all.