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Of course I support them
送交者: qm 2008月08月09日21:28:47 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 蒲慕明 时松海 qm三教授一脉相承 万岁羊象 于 2008-08-09 20:49:22
And I also support those who would walk away and choose easy professors.

What they do is offering a choice of hardwork and push their student to work hard. On the other hand, students are absolutely free to walk away if they do not want to work hard. So what is wrong?, Nothing.

It is funny that so many Chinese students now are lazy bugs. Those single kids are still mama's baby and don't know what it takes to be a scientist.

Ok, you don't want to be a scientist. Lawyers, consultants, managers are mostly work long hours. Who are you going to complain to?

No one owe you a good living. Those professors teach you how to make a honest living. You should be thankful.

Just curious: As a young student, do you feel any shame to work only 10 hours while your advisor works 14?

You want to know why I support those professors? I was a student before, and I would absolutely appreciate a demanding professor, even though I never needed my professor to push me. I made sure I work harder than my professor.
  看来就我支持你了 - 杠杆 08/10/08 (270)
    An easy thing to check - qm 08/10/08 (235)
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