蒲慕明 时松海 qm三教授一脉相承 万岁 |
送交者: 羊象 2008年08月09日20:49:22 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话 |
送交者: qm 2008月08月09日
You still don't get it
This is again, a typical mentality of 好吃懒做想发财.
You are free to walk away from that professor and choose an easy one. Someone else will take your place, work hard, and succeeds.
Yah, right. You don't want to work hard, and don't want others to take your place to work hard. Who do you think you are?
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2006: | 我的同胞, 我为你感到羞傀! | |
2006: | 丘成桐领导的浙大数学中心涉嫌严重人才 | |
2005: | 清华哥哥小传(1) (2) | |
2005: | 从PETER的肺癌谈环境保护的重要 | |
2004: | 最好的大学教育 | |
2004: | 中外名牌大学校长风格何其不同 | |
2003: | 北大“癸未变法”质疑 | |
2003: | 一 生 有 多 长 (七) | |