二流的語言,能否產生一流的哲學(更新) |
送交者: 五葉一花 2021年03月25日10:13:06 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話 |
這個問題似乎很難回答,首先需要一個輪廓清晰的理論,來定義和解釋什麼是一流和二流的語言,然後才談得上,是否二流的花,可以結出一流的果 不過,有的時候感性,往往比理性更能直透本質,帶給人富于震撼的啟示,比如下面這一首歌的中英文對照和Comments ------ 意態由來畫不成,入眼平生幾曾有 莊子曰,天地與我並生,孟子云,萬物皆備於我,人類語言是思維的工具,思想的載體,如果連語言都有所不備,乃至於殘缺不全,那哲學之子,又情何以堪呢,罪過罪過,阿門阿門
Some Comments Doreen Chai :(中文有一個錯字)銜泥護雛羽翼下,出處是《古詩十九首.東城高且長》思為雙飛燕,銜泥巢君屋
Jue Wang :The English translation is horrible
ΓΪΜΡΞΦ ΩΨΏ :英文翻譯一股子濃濃的塑料味,不是翻譯的錯,英文就這樣,沒有靈性,只能當個工具語言
Youths_Fire:Revised translation by me: (有人不服,再譯如下) 戀你君子無暇,棄我鮮衣怒馬,四方城裡,十里灼灼桃花 Fallen in love with a busy gentleman,Abandoning my life of ease,Inside the four-walled palace,Ten miles of peach flowers bloom 春風入夢拂開記憶的沙,宮城巍峨朱門啟,過盡繁華,痛飲一場訴離話,四方城外,千里江山如畫 The spring breeze enters my dreams, brushing away the sand in my memory,The crimson gate of the majestic palace opens,Living a life of prosperity,Drinking to pour out my worries,Outside the four-walled palace,Our land looks like a painting 半生疏離,一世知己,與你相守朱門裡,春華秋實,冬來秋去,與你相伴孤城閉 Half a lifetime detached,Whole life as a confidant,Together with you inside the crimson gate,Winter comes and fall goes,Accompanying you inside the lonely enclosed palace 來生不做籠中鳥,翻飛綠柳啼紅花,放歌須縱酒,執子之手同歸家 In out next life, let us not be birds trapped inside a cage,Let us fly through the green willow leaves and sing on the red flowers,We shall drink as we sing,Holding your hand as we return home 來生可做雙飛燕,攜泥護雛羽翼下,風過也,聲聲急,夢醒錦屏繡羅幔,浮生長恨歡娛希 In our next life, we should be a pair of canaries,Protecting our children under our wings,The wind blows, sounding so anxious,Awoken from my dreams,I’m surrounded by embroidered screens and mantles,If only happiness could last a little longer
五葉一花 : 已經盡力便好,雖然,頗有一點用打狗棍書寫蘭亭序,或在糞土之牆上篆刻道德經的品相,嘆為觀止,不過大抵不是翻譯的錯,原汁原味的英文,畫虎類犬,雖不中亦不遠矣,過於苛責,於事無補,by the way,德譯,法譯,會好一點嗎,或者lingua latīna,何不試試呢,阿門
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