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Advice to Yan, Xpt, and Luo
送交者: Laozhuang2009 2009年05月05日08:22:06 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
English has a saying: Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Yan Zhenqing and Xpt are such fools. Their knowledge about both English and Chinese are woefully inadequate, but they have the brazenness to pretend to be experts in both areas and regard their ignorance as superb insights. I have stopped reading their writings. Their ignorance was made worse by their bigotry and self-inflicted racism. I was sorry to see that some on this website still regard their nonsense and racist shit as food for thought. Luo Fool is one of them. I condemned xpt's racist remarks as shit, but Luo Fool thinks otherwise. He can certainly take the shit to his dinning table and consume it!
  u have nothing - xpt 05/05/09 (214)
  Some advice to you. - 邏輯 05/05/09 (262)
  Who is racism? AA88 or me? - 言真輕 05/05/09 (373)
    You may be talking to brother - littelfat 05/05/09 (320)
  I don't know who you are, but - littelfat 05/05/09 (434)
    really? What a shame! - 言真輕 05/05/09 (442)
      The language pattern and - littelfat 05/05/09 (389)
        I think this guy's E is better - 言真輕 05/05/09 (447)
          Monkey somes do write - littelfat 05/05/09 (413)
            唉,沒專業的人真可憐!除了英語猴子幾乎沒別的話題了 - 言真輕 05/05/09 (417)
              英語或非英語專業畢業的能讀到猴子的水平 - 要飯花子 05/05/09 (425)
                XPT用業餘時間學英語,水平都比猴子專業學的高!  /無內容 - 言真輕 05/05/09 (439)
                  有拉幫結派的嫌疑。猴哥英文顯然在XPT之上。  /無內容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (459)
                    猴子的那不叫英語,那叫漢譯英!嘿。。 - 言真輕 05/05/09 (420)
                      他用medical attention代替medical - 邏輯 05/05/09 (397)
                        沒錯,他的英語相當缺乏語感!  /無內容 - 言真輕 05/05/09 (224)
                        or medical treatment ?  /無內容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (331)
                          他喜歡用十四行詩來唬人,那東西不需要語感  /無內容 - 言真輕 05/05/09 (313)
                數學上要達到你的水平更難,嘿嘿。  /無內容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (216)
              猴哥的英文基本還是流暢的。但中文痕跡以及他個人語言習很明顯。  /無內容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (226)
            do = does  /無內容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (194)
            somes == sometimes  /無內容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (223)
    clues: the tilte reminds me - littelfat 05/05/09 (254)
      title  /無內容 - littelfat 05/05/09 (142)
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