平衡態網友十四行詩英譯 |
送交者: aa881 2010年07月31日18:56:09 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話 |
按:平衡態網友寫了首仿十四行詩的詩評,我狗尾續貂, 試着把它譯成一首英文的十四行詩,希望不至於給原詩蒙羞則無憾矣。 其實,沙翁那樣的詩誰都能寫的,排好長短就可以, A8 losing ground comes to know it's no use keeping on with idiots, Shakespeare's sonnets nothing other than jigsaw puzzle of words 莎翁如何僥倖出名姑且不論,他成名於劇作是事實, 也就是一個類似湯顯祖那樣,靠講故事出名的洋人, However to rise to fame, it's true his plays made himself known, like other playwrights, he found himself by telling tales alone, 名氣大就雞犬升天,達賴喇嘛的糞便也被當成靈丹, 沙翁的詩只是他的副產品,結結巴巴,且狗屁不通, Your name paves way for all, the god's excrement sacred as himself, His poetry, void of substance, hard of tongue, shame to his plays, 也不是沙翁的錯,英文本質上說只是一種低級語言, 寫本書講個故事還對付,用英文寫詩就勉為其難了, Shakespeare carries not the can, but his language clips his wings, Which is good enough to tell a tale, but it cuts no ice with Muse, 很多國人不懂,以為英文先進,學自由體寫樓梯詩, 結果多半成了行為藝術家那種文學二流子,鬧笑話, The poor tongue, worshiped by you fools, who mimic the lines of words, Passed for poetry, but unworthy trash as produced by "action artists" 英詩當然也可以很優雅地翻譯,美學地文學地欣賞, 吃飽了撐的啥事都可以干,也是一堆人的衣食飯碗, The so called sonnets, you fools why not read, enjoy, study, cherish, If too idle to do anything meaningful; whereby you make your living, 不信的話,找幾個英文文學博導,研究一下貓叫春, 只要給經費,照樣忙得不可開交,寫出博士論文來, PHD, slave to funds, capable and ready to show anything you want, produce papers as a mass production line for anything and everything. |
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